opinions on potential new hutch please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
Just wondering what people thought of this hutch, or if anyone has any experience of it?


I currently have a poppy den for my two boys, and hubby has adapted it so that they have access to a run all day. At night they come inside to their cage in the conservatory.

I am away for a few weeks at the end of August, and a friend is looking after the pigs. She doesn't really like animals, so won't pick them up!

The conservatory is too hot for them to be in all day, so I think they will need to be in the hutch for the 2 weeks. But I am very worried about foxes getting to them, as I don't think the poppy den is sturdy enough to stop a fox, so I'm looking for alternatives.

The hutch on the link looks pretty well made, and I think if the pigs were in the sleeping bit for the nights, they'd be pretty safe?

Any opinions gratefully received, it's a lot of money, so I want to be sure I make the right decision.
Well, it's very pretty and unique, but it doesn't look all that practical to me. But I suppose if it's just temporary it might be okay. You will need to fix the ramps though - put sides on them and that.
Wasn't really going for it because it looked pretty. I thought the design might make it more foxproof, as the sleeping area is high up, and more protected as it is completely enclosed by the porch area.
Not too concerned about the ramps, they are easy enough to adapt.
Practically, don't reckon it will be too bad, slide out tray for cleaning, and the wire around the sides opens out fr cleaning. Don't reckon it would be any more difficult than some c&c cages.

Anyone out there got any first hand experience of this hutch?
I haven't got this hutch, but just wanted to say it looks really good and thats a big saving in the price.
Only concern I have looking at the pictures is that it looks like the inner sleeping compartment may not have a door? That wouldn't be good from a fox point of view, or the pigs being warm at night.
Ask your friend to position the hutch as close to the house as she can ..under a spotlight if she has one... I know of a garden ornament that when it picks up motions it makes a loud barking noise like a real dog, its designed to keep cats off lawn.. My grandad has one..maybe you could try and find one or two to position around hutch so that if a fox were to attempt to get into the hutch the ornaments would spook them ? Just an idea
I would worry its a little top heavy so would be looking to place at least one side against a wall or fence.

The ramp is lockable but yes no front door on the bed area but you could put a fleece blanket on the outside of the wire to provide some wind shelter, I have fleece on the front of my open downstairs section of the two level hutch, have just taken one side down now we finally have some warmer dryer weather but I cover the bottom half of the wire, just peg it in place at the top of the blanket and still allowing air flow round the hutch
It is very pretty
you could probably drape some fleece over the holes to keep the smell of guinea pigs from the foxes and close the the hole to the bottom area and get some motion lights (they light up when they sense somthing ) they will scare them away
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