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Operating on a seven year old guinea pig - abscess


New Born Pup
Feb 28, 2017
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Hi, on Sunday we found an abscess on our beautiful seven year old female guinea pig - it is near her genitals, slightly above and to the side so they look swollen on one side. It's near her urethra too.

From the outset and throughout treatment, she has been her bright, happy, loving self. She is eating, pooping and weeing normally. She is 912g so small but not tiny, and she gained a little weight compared to last year. The abscess doesn't seem to be impacting her presently although she doesn't like it being inspected (possibly due to the position we have to put her in to see it)

We took her to the vets and they said to try antibiotics and warm compresses for a few days to see if it goes down, but they are really championing giving her a whiff of gas and lancing it. They said they'd hate to have her system impacted by it and have to euthanise her down the line rather than doing a whiff of gas and lancing it now. They are not guinea pig specialists but have always been really good about referring us to specialists if needed and seem confident they can handle this. We have an appointment tomorrow morning as a follow up in which they may ask her to stay to lance it and I have no idea what to do. The size hasn't decreased so I imagine this is what they'll advise us to do.

We always said we'd never consider putting her under anaesthetic nowadays, due to age and because she really values peace and not being stressed out (although she tends to be ok with vets trips as she's accustomed to them over the years) but the fact the vet is championing it so much even at her age is making me think it's the right thing to do.

I would be heartbroken to lose her to an operation for something that doesn't seem to be bothering her yet but equally I completely get she could deteriorate due to it. Either decision could have devastating consequences so any advice would be hugely appreciated.
I would think they'd only give her a whiff, just enough to perhaps sedate her so they can lance it without hurting her, and I can't imagine she'd be under for long. There are always risks with anaesthetics though.
When we had a couple of piggies at the rescue with post neuter abscesses, the vet actually just did a fine needle aspiration with some numbing cream applied first to check they were in fact abscesses, they both actually drained well through that hole by themselves over a few days along with a course of antibiotics each and didn't need any surgical intervention!
I wonder as it's not causing her any massive issues it could be worth asking your vet if this might be worth a go first?
I have to warn you though they are a bit smelly as they drain! 😂
Hello. I’m sorry your piggy has an abscess. My Pepper had an abscess under his chin last summer. The operation to lance it was a quick one. They don’t need to go too far into the piggy so that is also a good thing. It’s usually a superficial cut.

With abscesses they usually make the cut and stitch it open so it can continue to drain. You have to flush it a few times a day until there is no pus left and then it heals up. You have to keep it open as long as you can.

There are risks with all operations and your piggy is a good age. If the antibiotics haven’t worked this may be the only way to resolve the issue. A very good antibiotic for abscesses is Zithromax. Good luck at the vets tomorrow 🤞🏻
6 year old George had this gas as his only anaesthetic when he had his bladder stone removed. Once they remove the gas they come round quite quickly, unlike some of the injectable anaesthetics. My vet reckons it's the gentlest way to put them under. Although there's always a risk I think if I was an old girl with an abscess on my foo-foo I'd need a bit of something before they lanced it! If she's not anaesthetised and gets frightened and fights them it will bring it's own risks - she could hurt herself struggling and she'll end up getting stressed whenever she has to go back there. They sound like they feel it's the best way.
Just to say that Ruby had a small operation aged 6 with a gas anaesthetic.
It is nothing like the more traditional injectable type and they come round amazingly quickly without any sort of 'hangover'.

I would give her the chance to recover from the abscess which will not go away with just antibiotics and warm compresses.
It may burst, but it does need to be lanced properly so you can keep it open and clean, as they need to heal from the inside out.
I hope whatever you decide it goes well. My Ted was neutered a 5 years and sailed through the operation. If they marsupialise the wound then it can be twice daily flush and heal from the inside out

Sending good luck to your little lady
Thank you all so so much for giving us the boost we needed to go through with the operation. She had it just over 24 hours and the vet said she is as hardy as guinea pigs come. She's far from out of the woods yet and was very shaky when we collected her yesterday, however she has been absolutely ravenous and a dream to medicate. We are really hoping she continues to get stronger and stronger ♥
So pleased all has gone well.
It takes a while for the anaesthetic to work out their systems.
I remember when Phoebe had surgery she looked a bit like the morning after the night before!
Hope your girl makes a speedy recovery.