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Nov 26, 2016
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I accidentally dumped an entire bag of hay into the cage earlier. My folly is clearly their gain however, because Comet's playing hide and seek again. Blitzen's in the carrot cottage so you can't see him, but can you find Comet?


Comet's seriously wondering what the special occasion is...I don't exactly skimp on hay but they don't normally have an entire kilo of it at once lol. He's by the log bridge, btw, haha. Still there, too...except sleeping now and not eating.

Blitzen's just as suspicious as ever. Everyone knows you only get presents like that when something else is about to wrong.
'Poor' piggies :lol!:
All that hay! I swear, my boys are packing their bags and planning a trip up to see you as I type :))
they must really love that, great looking hay! Where is it from?
I seriously have only one complaint about their hay, and that is the way they pack it...very easy to accidentally pull out the whole bag!
I'm sure Blitzen and Comet don't mind that at all! :))
Lucky piggies loving all that hay to hide in! Bet they loving it! Mine would. A bit on the expensive side though and a pain when it comes to clearing it all out but the piggies won't mind that they are having FUN!:yahoo:
Lucky piggies loving all that hay to hide in! Bet they loving it! Mine would. A bit on the expensive side though and a pain when it comes to clearing it all out but the piggies won't mind that they are having FUN!:yahoo:

I swear they've eaten most of it already. They absolutely love it. I can't blame them, it smells amazing.
LOL they are gonna be in piggy heaven with all that hay. Can never have too much of that!:love::lol!:
Hahah that is a dream come true for my Toast. She loves going in hay. She took most of it out of her bed so she decided to claim Beans's still with hay Toast loves hay
It looks lovely and green! I bet it smells great.
I have to be careful with my lot with how I put the hay in- they all seem to enjoy poking themselves in the eye at the moment.
It looks lovely and green! I bet it smells great.
I have to be careful with my lot with how I put the hay in- they all seem to enjoy poking themselves in the eye at the moment.

I have to point out that it would be nearly impossible to do with this stuff. It's really long (it gets coiled up together which is how I managed to pull the whole bag out at once). There have been a couple of large, thick strands but they're few enough you can see them to pull them out if needed.

Also both Comet and Blitzen have insisted on sleeping in it. No trouble with hay pokes yet, fingers crossed!
You have to order 6 things don't you. How long does it keep in a sealed bag?
Bet your piggies thought it was there Birthday with all that hay going in. :lol!:
Do you put it in there poo/sleeping/wee/eating trays as well, or do you use meadow hay for that?
You have to order 6 things don't you. How long does it keep in a sealed bag?
Bet your piggies thought it was there Birthday with all that hay going in. :lol!:
Do you put it in there poo/sleeping/wee/eating trays as well, or do you use meadow hay for that?

Honestly I don't use trays. Comet would have the whole lot out on the floor first chance he got and Blitzen's not much better. Generally they get a layer of bedding (Carefresh Natural) and then the hay goes on the cage floor, and generally I'll add to the hay daily.
Mine would have the right hump if they couldn't lay in there yuk & then eat it as well & then we do kisses as well. OMG things I do.
Mine are the same. :)) They have hay bales with lovely clean meadow hay to eat but no! They insist on eating the stuff they run around on and wee and poo on. :vom::yikes: Completely DISGUSTING animals. But I do love:love: them all.
Mine are the same. :)) They have hay bales with lovely clean meadow hay to eat but no! They insist on eating the stuff they run around on and wee and poo on. :vom::yikes: Completely DISGUSTING animals. But I do love:love: them all.
Lol my piggies get some nice pellets for food (along with their hay) and they tip it over so you can't tell food from poop. :xd:
Oh it's a piggy dream come true! They must have had the time of their lives!
Mine have lots of hay in the hutch now and they just love it! They hide all the time and it's hard to find them!
Mine have lots of hay in the hutch now and they just love it! They hide all the time and it's hard to find them!

Yeah, earlier Comet grabbed a bunch of hay and piled it all up outside the door of the carrot cottage he was in...then proceeded to fall asleep hidden from sight. They're certainly not stupid!
Yeah, earlier Comet grabbed a bunch of hay and piled it all up outside the door of the carrot cottage he was in...then proceeded to fall asleep hidden from sight. They're certainly not stupid!

They certainly are not! I couldn't find the boys for all the hay when it was lap time tonight! The girls were enjoying their timeshare on the grass.
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