Ooops gone blonder than i wanted...

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Forum Buddy
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Croydon, Victoria, Australia
...oh dear the tips have worked well this time. I asked for more to hide the grey and well i'm BLONDE :o :o I used to be really blonde but these days i'm usually careful as it can look harsh against the skin at my age (dinosaur age). Dee (daughter) says it's OK not to stress as it will fade she's so right. I do like the cut tho it's shorter but i've got fine hair and it goes crazy if it's not shaped properly.
Anybody else have this problem too? I mean hair it's so difficult to get the hairdressers to get it right ::)
oops, i once died my hair black and left the dye on to long and it turn emerald green, i was call grotbag for ages, got to laugh really.
Oh dear. I bet it still looks nice and it will fade. But I do feel for you. I've had my fair share of hair disasters in the past. I burnt half of it off by using too strong peroxide. LOL that was a really attractive look ;D
I went too blonde once and refused to go out. I sent my hubby out for hair dye - and he is bald - he got some looks in Sainsburys ;D
Blonde's have more fun don't they ;) work it girl! ;D

I've had lots of good and bad do's.... been 'straw' blonde, big mistake! red, purple, black, dark brown... I love being red but it fades all too soon >:(

I also find it hard to get a hd that gets the cut right more than once too! ::)
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