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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 3, 2018
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Luna died two days ago and its just been hard. Like, I miss my girl, although it wasn't a complete shock. But her sisters are being weird. I get they're going through stuff as well and they miss her too, but I'm worried. Bandit won't talk to me at all and she's sitting in the corner by herself. They won't cry out for food, but they are eating and drinking fine. It's like they've just stopped being themselves. If I pick them up, Trixie will talk, but not Bandit.
Is there anything I can do?
I’m sorry for your loss.

They are grieving but usually come out of it within a few days.
The guide below details how to help them and the care measures you need to take ie more regular weight checks (daily, if there is a risk of acute pining) so you can ensure they really are eating enough hay while they grieve (you sent gauge hay intake by eye)

Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
I’m so sorry you’ve lost Luna. I hope Trixie and Bandit are ok. Give them a few days. Take care ❤️
Luna died two days ago and its just been hard. Like, I miss my girl, although it wasn't a complete shock. But her sisters are being weird. I get they're going through stuff as well and they miss her too, but I'm worried. Bandit won't talk to me at all and she's sitting in the corner by herself. They won't cry out for food, but they are eating and drinking fine. It's like they've just stopped being themselves. If I pick them up, Trixie will talk, but not Bandit.
Is there anything I can do?


I am ever so sorry for your loss.

Piggies don't grieve any less deeply than we humans, just not as long as their survival instincts are much stronger. It is extremely hard for a loving owner to hold back and allow them to be withdrawn for a few days (as long as they are eating and drinking). Please give them that space even though it is the last thing you want and your instinct is to cuddle and care. They will come out of it (often around 4 days) and will pick up life again. ;)

Just make sure that you monitor the weight regularly once weekly, ideally at the same time in the feeding cycle. A minor weight loss of under 50g is tolerable (we only talk about weight loss from 50g onwards) but if a gradual weight loss continues beyond that or if there is a sudden larger weight of 50-100g, then please see your vet promptly. Especially in older piggies the loss of a beloved companion can lower the immune system and can allow underlying problems to come to the fore. It is just something to be aware of but please try not to hover and give your piggies the space to grieve.

PS: If the leader has passed away then there will be a round of dominance for the new leader to establish their own group once the grieving period is ovr; otherwise the hierarchy won't be affected as your remaining two know how they stand with each other. In a closely bonded group this re-establishment is usually minimal and more just pro forma.
So sorry you lost Luna, as long as they are both eating then they will accept Luna has gone to the bridge and get on with their lives 🌈 Take care of you too x
I’m so sorry you lost Luna 😞 I am in the same position as one of my sows passed away two weeks ago leaving her two friends behind. They too were quiet and subdued for about a week afterwards. Give your remaining girls the time to grieve as they will be hurting too x