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Ongoing pee and poo problems


Junior Guinea Pig
May 13, 2020
Reaction score

One of my girls, Annie, has been living with me now for around four months. I don't know how old she is, because she came to me from a rescue.

On Boxing Day she started to pass some really odd poos - small, clumped together, and on one occasion, with mucus. I took her straight to my emergency vet, but the clinical exam showed nothing. The vet decided to try her on medication for parasites, in case she had any internally.

The following day I took her back for a second emergency appointment, because while I was cleaning her cage, I found blood mixed in with her urine. The vet used a probe to scan her for stones, but couldn't find anything obvious. He decided to treat for a UTI (seven days on Baytril). Within the first day, the blood disappeared, and her poo returned to normal. During all this, she never stopped eating, did not lose weight, or become lethargic. She also gave no indication of pain, either when peeing, or when being examined.

Three days ago she had a repeat of exactly the same kind of episode. First her stools became clumpy again, and this was followed, after 48 hours, with blood mixed in with her urine. I took her back to the emergency vet, and they scanned her again with the ultrasound probe, but still found no sign of anything. I was given Baytril for another seven days, and Metacam for any inflammation. The vet then told me that, if it reoccurs, we will need to go to a specialist.

Her symptoms have improved since she started the meds - no more blood in her urine. Her poos are quite small, but not clumped together, and they are a normal colour and consistency. Again, there is no indication of pain, she hasn't lost weight, and she's eating normally.

I'm quite concerned about the possibility that her symptoms might recur. If it it happens again we will go to the specialist, but God knows how I'll afford it. I used to have money set aside for the vets, but I spent every penny (and more besides) on my girl with ovarian cysts who died last year :(

Has anyone seen these symptoms before and did you find out what was causing it?

Thanks for your help in advance!

@Livia Rabideau is right in saying you may need a longer course of antibiotics. My Ruby has been to the vets a few times for suspected UTIs and each time they gave her a little longer course. First time it was 7 days, then 10 days then I think it was 14 days. Unfortunately she is still having problems but now they suspect cystitis.
Are they experienced at all with piggies? My vets somehow missed a stone on an ultrasound
Please be aware that when your pig is on antibiotics, their digestive system flora will be diminishing. They should be put on a pro biotic such as Bene-Bac at the same time to keep their flora thriving. They may also need a motility drug if they begin to poop infrequently. Baytril really hit my pigs hard just after 3 days and I would have lost them if I didn't stop giving them the antibiotic and/or give them the previously stated treatment. Please watch your piggies output very closely. Small poops indicate the gut movement is slowing down and soft/diahrea poops indicate imbalance In gut flora. Dry poops indicate dehydration. Some pigs tolerate antibiotics better. I think the goal is to keep them on the antibiotic for recommended time but also keep them on the probiotic/motility during the same interval. Usually you want to give the probiotic 2-4 hours before the antibiotic.