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Dental Ongoing Dental Issues


New Born Pup
Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hi! So just looking for may advice about dental issues as I’m just so tired and worried for my little guy. he is about 1.5 years old and is quite big (length not weight).
In March he developed an abscess on the side of his chin, and after multiple vets draining it and giving him antibiotics and painkillers for two months, a different one noticed it was linked to his mouth and saw that his bottom right tooth was infected and rotten. She did her best to get the tooth out but was unable to get all of the root and we kept him on more antibiotics and painkillers and I kept him clean daily (spoiler, this was daily for months). He was mostly okay for a while, but then as the tooth began to grow again it didn’t look great! Then as the rotten tooth had half way emerged, his abscess began filling again. In the time I waited to see his vet, some of that rotten tooth had fallen off. The vet took x rays as he was considering trying to remove the entire root (he is not a specialist but dedicated weeks to educating himself on how he could best do it, bless his heart), but him and the whole practice agreed that it seems like infection had not spread to the rest of the tooth and said his jaw looked fine. He had also looked at his back teeth again during anaesthesia and confirmed they were fine, and we all agreed that the best thing to do would be to try and let his body push the tooth back to normal now.
ive been keeping a close eye on him, and the tooth has grown back but it’s not exactly where it should be, it’s tilted a bit, but didn’t appear to be causing him any problems. This week though, he has started dribbling - his front is always wet now and he shakes it everywhere! He is also seeming to struggle with some of the harder vegetables (don’t worry he is still eating, I would be at the vet ASAP if he ever stopped). And when he eats is a lot slower than normal.
he is now booked in to see the vet tomorrow (it was the earliest available), but I’m just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or thoughts? If it wasn’t for these forums I wouldn’t have known about tooth root infections and wouldn’t have asked the vet to check for it. in the past few weeks he has had white stuff in his mouth too - I assumed this was boar glue but could it have been something different?
thank you!
Hallo and :wel:

Sorry your poor piggie is having ongoing dental issues. I can't advise on them as such but wonder if the white stuff could be oral thrush - whereabouts in his mouth is it and what exactly is it like, how thick etc?

Has he been to the Cat & Rabbit clinic at all for treatment? If he hasn't, I'm sure lots of people on here would recommend you take him there, they are brilliant with piggies especially for dental issues.
Hope you can get him all better x
Cat and rabbit clinic in Northampton is the most recommended dental piggy/dental vet on the forum. Members travel from all over the country to get to them.
Thank you all! The vet today agreed its just that his tooth has grown in weirdly and the entire thing will need removing and preventing it from growing back ideally. He was looking for specialists to refer us to, I will look at Northampton! Thank you all so much
Thank you all! The vet today agreed its just that his tooth has grown in weirdly and the entire thing will need removing and preventing it from growing back ideally. He was looking for specialists to refer us to, I will look at Northampton! Thank you all so much
I would definitely go see Simon or Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit, if his tooth has grown weirdly it may be corrected and no need for surgery at all