One stays in the house

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I have 2 guinea pigs, they are now 10 weeks old we have them 2 weeks, still leaning the ropes 98) We got them a rabbit cage so it would be big enough for them to go around and it came with a Little house that sits at one end, one of the pigs sits in it all day and only comes out to have food and water, the other one sits outside and is always exploring, I have noticed the one that sits inside is quite nervous and we are extra sensitive to him. not sure why he is still so scared after 2 weeks ?

The guinea pig that sits outside does nudge the quiet ones bottom when he comes out, sort of a nudge to get back into the house ? still not sure if they are playing or is one just a bully ?

We are querying the sex of them both at the moment because one is mounting the other, i have looked underneath and they look the same ? but I will have to check the section on here to discuss that topic :)

Any advice for a newbie would be fantastic.. :)
The mounting is a dominance thing, boars do it a lot when deciding who is boss O0 they are very nervous naturally and i think the little shy one will probably stay in his house for a while until he feels a bit more stable, mine definately did when they were babies. try offering him some nice parsley or cucumber and see if he takes it from you, dont be worried if he doesnt, he may take months but he will come round O0 x
I agree with Emma. Also could you get another igloo for the other boar?

They are probably just finding their feet, it's all normal behaviour.

If you want us to check their sex then try taking pics and post them up. :)
jnenbnb, That is refreshing to know :) I was getting worried about them not both being boys ::) I have checked and re checked but the dominance thing sounds right. I had no idea that it could take months for them to settle, I suppose it's all so new to them too. I have tried the veg from my hand and they both took it, the shy one tries to grab it with his teeth and he pulls it really hard and runs away to eat it, so I do hold on real tight, he usually then doesn't bother, I wasn't sure if I should just let him grab it and run ?

So much to learn, this seems like the perfect place to do so.

thanks again for your advice

SunshineAndTwinkle, They sleep together, they play together they get on in general but now and again, one seems to want to be in charge and it looks like he is telling the quiet one what to do and the quiet one just goes of and leaves him to it..

That's a great idea about the pictures, let me figure out how to do that and I go take some pis, they'll be so worried about me, most of the morning I've been looking at their privates trying to figure it out now I'm taking pics LOL

thanks again
I would let him grab it and run, then he might come back for more when he's finished! its good that they're taking food from you O0 by the way call me Emma :) its easier to type! xx
Thanks again, i tried to do the photos but it keeps saying the upfolder is full, anyway looking at the pics I am sure now they are both boys....
It's good to know though that one can be dominating, I suppose like humans ;D I'll try that with the food Emma and see how he goes, I'll just give them more time and let them settle in, in their own time, now all I have to learn is the sounds, there are so many and I am getting confused more and more each day.. ;D
Hi, this is a great site, for helping sex piggies.

It took my guinea pigs a couple of months to settle properly, even now,
Harry is more comfortable with us than Nibbles. In my other pair, Jimmy is more comfortable than Angel.

I would keep offering food treats by hand and give them plenty time.
The 2 of them have been hiding since the picture taking, i hope I haven't traumatised them ;D

Thank for that site Anne, I will check it out :)
Sounds very much like Minty and Garry - Minty will explore anything, yet Garry runs as soon as he sees movement from something unpiggylike around his cage! If he thinks noone is around, he'll come out to eat and play - I'm across the room and he's stuffing his face, blissfully unaware!

I wouldn't worry too much, it's probably just his personality! They've been here just over 3 months too...he's just a shy pig! :smitten:
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