One Piggy Getting All The Food?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2015
Reaction score
England, Ivybridge
i have two girls that live together. One is really fat and the other had gotten quite skinny. I've had the same problem with my two boys as well when they were both alive. I think the fat piggy must be the dominant one and not letting the skinny piggy eat as much as her.
Does anyone know how to make this situation better?
Have you tried separating them at meal times, or having two bowls of veg and two bowls of nuggets putting one of each at opposite ends of the cage so one can't hog the bowl? I have to have two lots of everything with my boars.
Perhaps give the dominant one a run whilst the other eats his fill
i have two girls that live together. One is really fat and the other had gotten quite skinny. I've had the same problem with my two boys as well when they were both alive. I think the fat piggy must be the dominant one and not letting the skinny piggy eat as much as her.
Does anyone know how to make this situation better?

Try to feed them small portions several times a day in two bowls, spaced well apart. This also goes for pellets! Feed only half a handful at any time in two bowls. Don't leave them hanging around. 80% of the daily food intake should be hay, so with unlimited access to fresh hay, your guinea pigs won't go hungry in the meantime and are encouraged to eat the best thing for long term gut and dental health!
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
The Importance Of Weighing - Ideal Weight / Overweight / Underweight

Please weigh all piggies once weekly and see a vet if the weight loss, either slow or quick, gets more than 50g/2 oz. There can be a health problem at the bottom of your second piggy not doing well/losing weight.
Weight loss is quite a generic symptom too, so you might want to keep an eye out for other reasons/illnesses in case there is something else wrong :)
I have the exact same problem with my two girls :xd: I just separate them at meal time and that seems to do the trick.
I would first rule out an issue causing weight loss, it can be a general sign of a lot of illnesses. If that is not the case, can you feed in two bowls? We do two bowls for ours all the time because Sundae tends to hoard food (she will pull it into the pigloo with her all the time.) So having another bowl ensures that there is always one bowl in the pigloo and one bowl out.
Thank you all for help! It seems like she has an eye infection and has an appointment tomorrow but she's acting happy and normal but I noticed that her cage mate is the first to the food and she's a big girl xD I'll ask the vet to give her a general check up as well to make sure that she doesn't have any health problems too
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