One pig bullying the other


New Born Pup
Jul 1, 2023
Reaction score
Greater Manchester
Hi, I have had my two male pigs for 18 months, they’re about 20 months old (or thereabouts). When I first got them, the larger white pig was very dominant - I was advised the behaviour he showed was normal while they established dominance and after a while they settled down and lived very happily together for a year.

Over the last few months, the smaller brown pig has really started bullying the white one. It’s not constant - they still live “happily” together, sharing a large hutch more or less peacefully, but too often for my liking the brown one just starts relentlessly chasing the white one as in the video I’ve attached. It actually seems to be worse when I put them in their playpen - it’s huge, a lot bigger than their hutch which I thought would give them more space and make the bullying less frequent!

I check the white one regularly and no blood is being drawn, I just feel so sorry for him having to put up with this. He never fights back (that I’ve seen), he removes himself but then he goes back and the bullying starts again!

Can anyone give me advice please? Like I said, I understand that establishing dominance is perfectly normal but I thought (incorrectly?) that by this age it would have calmed down. If anyone has words of wisdom I would be so grateful - I don’t want to separate my boys but of course I will if that’s going to be best for them.

Thank you!
Dominance is something that is with them all the time - they do it to reinforce their bond and hierarchy mostly until they are elderly. My elderly pair stopped with the dominance when they got to around 5 years of age and then just settled into retired life!

Bullying is more than dominance. Bullying is a sustained set of behaviours which can see the underpig become withdrawn and depressed. Potentially losing weight at the routine weight checks due to being chased away from food. The chasing is so relentless that the underpig can’t rest.
That is bond breaking and warrants a permanent separation.

How big is their hutch?

Issues starting in the playpen : because it is a new environment and territory, it can actually cause a round of dominance every time they go to it. Adding soiled bedding to the playpen will transfer scent and can help minimise dominance.

Reacting to group or territorial changes: Dominance and group establishment/re-establishment

If you are concerned that things aren’t ok, then carry out a trial separation for a few days. Observe during their time apart - if the submissive pig perks up and becomes happier when away, then that is a sign of a dysfunctional bond and means they may not be able to go back together. After a few days, reintroduce them on neutral territory and see what happens. If things go back to actual bullying and the underpig isn’t happy again then their bond is over and the separation needs to be made permanent.

Separated piggies need to be kept side by side (sadly this is where a hutch won’t work) so they can interact and have companionship through the bars. A one up/one down arrangement in a hutch means they will become lonely.

Bonds In Trouble
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Oh my gosh, thank you SO much for your detailed reply!

The white pig doesn’t appear to be withdrawn or depressed - he’s a happy go lucky lad, always very chilled and laid back, whereas the brown one has always been a bit more high energy. That said - I haven’t specifically been looking for signs of depression so I will keep a close eye out.

In their hutch, they share food and a bed area happily. They’ve got individual beds next to each other which they ignore, and are usually to be found next to each other either in front of, or on top of, their beds. In their hutch, they genuinely seem much happier together.

I know their hutch isn’t big enough… it’s 5 foot long, double level, but I didn’t know that at the time when I bought the boys and their hutch. I do mean to buy a bigger one for them but I bought the huge playpen thinking that would be a good compromise? I’m happy to be told I’m wrong - I honestly just want the best for my boys.

What you said about the playpen has really made me think. Maybe when I put them in it, I could separate them (side by side so they can see each other) and see how that makes a difference?
Their bond doesn’t sound too bad in that case - the fact they are sharing and wanting to be together! None of my boar pairs have ever shared, and one pair were happily bonded and inseparable for 6 years!

5ft is minimum size so it’s ok but 6ft is better.
The playpen doesn’t count at all as it isn’t permanent living space.

No don’t separate them in the playpen - boars need to be permanently together because their bond is fine or permanently separated because it isn’t.
If you separate them in the playpen you may actually cause a problem in their bond by the repeated separation and reintroduction. Doing this will increase dominance every time they are reunited.
Add some soiled bedding or hay, rub the hides with the soiled hay etc - just anything to transfer scent to the playpen and make them recognise it as still their territory and space
Thank you once again. I’ve been quite worried about my boys and despite feeling fairly confident in my pig knowledge I know there’s a LOT I don’t know, so you’ve really been super helpful.

I am going to buy a 6 foot hutch but thank you for reassuring me that their current one isn’t as bad a choice as I’d worried it was. I’m going to do what you’ve suggested when I next put them in the playpen and hopefully my put upon pig will have a happier time in there!