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One Of My Girlies Got Spayed Today

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
little alice developed ovarian cysts and lost a lot of hair in the space of a week.

She's had the op today and come through ok, she's been kept in overnight to ensure she's eating properly and that.

Just been to see her and she looks fine just a bit loopy as expected.

The vet kept what she took out for me to have a look. Bigger than I expected she had cysts on both sides but bigger on the left which was grape sized.

The vet has some pictures she's sending me tomorrow if anyone wants to see?

She's a really good vet and comes highly recommended, I always learn something. When she did the ultrasound she let me come in and have me a guided tour of the inside of a guinea pig!
Poor little girl. Sending healing vibes. I hope she recovers well!
That's very good that she let you see the ultrasound photos. :tu: It's very hard to find pictures of internal piggie anatomy on the web or anywhere, for that matter!
That's very good that she let you see the ultrasound photos. :tu: It's very hard to find pictures of internal piggie anatomy on the web or anywhere, for that matter!

She emailed me a picture of one of my cancer pigs X-ray if you want to see it?
Might be worth adding your vet to the vet locator so other people in your area can find her.

Hope your girly recovers soon.
Sadly little alice has had a bleed this morning. The vets done a scan and there's blood in her abdomen. The vets going back in to see what's going on
Hopefully its something minor than can be rectified easily, sending healing vibes. ;)
She thinks it's probably just a stitch but has gone in anyway. Not heard anything as yet, no news is usually good news!
Oh such sad news.. Run free little one... x
The vet did an autopsy, she had fluid on her lungs and that's what killed her :(

The vets gutted, said she tried to bring her back for ten minutes!

I can't recommend her enough, she half priced the spay and didn't Bill me for the overnight stay nor the second op.
I am very sorry for your loss. All you can do is give her a chance.

RIP Alice
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