One more guinea pig?


New Born Pup
May 31, 2022
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So here's the deal... I have three guinea pigs (one neutered male and two females) and I've been thinking about geting a fourth one. But since I live with my parents I need to convince them even though I am the one who pays for all they need and take care of them.
What pros do you think there are in having larger grups rather then a smaller one? How would you try to convince them?
Also, they are in my room (they don't have to see them if they don't want to) and I am 22.

Oldies but goldies, cute are they?! Look at those bums
No advice other than I don't think you can have too many (though perhaps bonding might create issues with a group - never tried it!).

Also - my goodness what beautiful Floofs you have! :love:
Hello and welcome. The main thing to think about when adding more is vet costs. It’s the expensive part of piggy ownership which is often overlooked.

The other thing is what you would do if they didn’t get on with the new piggy. And whether you have enough space for them. A quartet (I think) need a 14sq foot cage, on one floor.

Otherwise I don’t know that you can convince them. What are their reasons for saying no more? You have to consider whether they are valid.
The choice is of course yours - financially etc! But a back up plan is needed.
You also need to respect your parents decision, rather than convince them.

Do you have the option in Spain to date your piggies at a rescue to be sure they will accept another piggy into their herd? If you don’t, then it’s important to be prepared for an on spec bonding to fail. You’d then need a separate cage for the single piggy. Your options then is to either keep that piggy single and only have companionship through the bars for your current herd; split your herd up and put one of your current piggies with the new piggy; or get a fifth piggy to bond with the single
Hello and welcome. The main thing to think about when adding more is vet costs. It’s the expensive part of piggy ownership which is often overlooked.

The other thing is what you would do if they didn’t get on with the new piggy. And whether you have enough space for them. A quartet (I think) need a 14sq foot cage, on one floor.

Otherwise I don’t know that you can convince them. What are their reasons for saying no more? You have to consider whether they are valid.
Hi! Thank you for replying! Yes, vet visits are expensive but I been doing good so far and I can afford it. I don't spend my money in much else so I don't find it hard to do specially since is for my piggies helth.
Regarding the space, they live in a 2x4 c&c cage atached to a 2x3 one, witch makes a 2x7. I might be wrong but the minimun required it's a 2x6 for 4 piggies. In case they didn't get along I wold build a duble tier cage and regroup them (but I am really possitive they are going to get along great with the new pig since they are all pretty lay back and suvmissive)
My dad doesn't really care but my mom doesn't want more pets. She wasn't quite font of them at the begining, she has warmed up to them now. She specially likes the abyssinian one, Meeko, since she is so loud and cheerful. I'm sure she would worm up to the new pig eventually but the main issue I balive it's she thinks I am out of my mind for wanting so many of them, one was the ideal number for her.
At the end of the day, if your current space is big enough for 4 and you pay all the bills, then one more piggy is highly unlikely to be particularly noticeable to your parents. You are an age where you can have a grown up conversation so I would suggest finding some quiet time with them to discuss this adult to adult. Give them some pre warning of this so they can discuss their concerns with each other to bring to you. Your job then is to try and understand their point of view and either accept it or provide them with additional reassurance
Great advice in the post above.

What you do have to consider seriously is the view that because they’re laid back and submissive they will get on with whichever piggy you add. This could be the case but it could also not be. Two may get on with her and the one doesn’t like her at all. Or she doesn’t like one or two of them. In which case you’d have to split your current herd so she has company. Just something to consider.

You have been given good advice above re having a calm conversation with them. I would first ask them what their concerns are, then go from there.

PS be thankful your mum allowed you to have three. Piggies do better in pairs or, if not compatible, as neighbours. 🙂
As long as you can pay vet bills for 4 then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t but do bear in mind that adding an extra female to a herd may not work out. As long as you are prepared for that then good luck, you can never have too many piggies 😁
As long as you can pay vet bills for 4 then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t but do bear in mind that adding an extra female to a herd may not work out. As long as you are prepared for that then good luck, you can never have too many piggies 😁

I can only echo this with personal experience. There was once, the only time I have had an unsuccessful bond. Absolutely lovely sow but just would not bond with my group of neutered boar and two sows. I even took some time out to see if I could get them in to two pairs but none of them were having any of it! She went back to the rescue and the next sow I put with the same group slotted in no problem
Well…. Apart from as already stated and assuming you can afford another piggy….. I would be saying to myself - so what if the worst happens and they don’t bond and I have to put an piggy alone - then I know myself - I would then want to get a friend for the lone piggy - all of a sudden you have 5 piggies!

If you can deal with that without the well-being of any piggy at risk - then here’s what to do……!

Step 1 - increase the amount of soft hay they can hide in.
Step 2 - increase the amount of hiding places.
Step 3 - practise your sincere and honest face
Step 4 - if anyone asks “did I see another piggy in there?” You say no and count - there will only probably ever be 3 visible at any one time, if you hide them well enough!

You’re welcome! 😁
I can only echo this with personal experience. There was once, the only time I have had an unsuccessful bond. Absolutely lovely sow but just would not bond with my group of neutered boar and two sows. I even took some time out to see if I could get them in to two pairs but none of them were having any of it! She went back to the rescue and the next sow I put with the same group slotted in no problem
We also had one piggy who just didnt like the others, and she ended up needing her own seperate cage and companion. And she recently passed away leaving me with her husboar who now needs a new friend... so you do need to be prepared to either return a piggy who doesnt bond with the others, or have 2 cages and 2 groups of piggies... which is fine if you have space and can afford it, the more the merrier- but you have to factor that in!
Hey there. I have not much experience about dealing with this but when it comes to trying to convince your mum to let u get another little piggy in the fam, you will have to talk continuously about how you will be able to afford their cost. Along with that you will also have to mention how you have already enough for 4 piggies and there won't be many changes needed. And the last thing is talking about advantages of having more piggies in da house. For example having more piggies leads the entire herd to stimulate each other and encourage their active behaviour. Also, in the wild gps used to live in herds of 10 or more. They are social creatures and need company of their own kind.

At the end, it may probably will take a good amount of convincing, but if you have enough to afford keeping them, I'm sure u can manage it.
If the guinea pigs don't get along though, that's a completely different story and you will have to arrange for more stuff specifically for the 4th guinea pig.....
Despite what everyone else says..Don’t do it! :)) you say one more pig..and before you know it you have 3 different groups and a room just for them! It’s much harder work having 7 than just 2!
Not that I regret any of my piggies! Gosh I love them all! But sometimes I think back to when I just had 2-3 and one cage 🤣
Despite what everyone else says..Don’t do it! :)) you say one more pig..and before you know it you have 3 different groups and a room just for them! It’s much harder work having 7 than just 2!
Not that I regret any of my piggies! Gosh I love them all! But sometimes I think back to when I just had 2-3 and one cage 🤣

This is the very real danger with sows. I went from 2 up to 4 very quickly 😂 I always thought if I had just picked a pair of boars I wouldn't have been able to do that
This is the very real danger with sows. I went from 2 up to 4 very quickly 😂 I always thought if I had just picked a pair of boars I wouldn't have been able to do that
Yes very true ! Though knowing me I still would have someone how ended up with 3 different pairs of boys !
This is the very real danger with sows. I went from 2 up to 4 very quickly 😂 I always thought if I had just picked a pair of boars I wouldn't have been able to do that
The danger with piggies full stop. I was planning to have just the boys but the urge overtook and the girls found their way home with me 😳 I think it’s also about knowing your limit.
Lol same with me, got two young boars, end Jan, few weeks later got another two boars, feb, then a week later got three sows feb, then April got two more sows, total 9 in four months 🫶😍🥰🐷
We got 2 ladies... found a gorgeous unwanted boar online, got him neueterd to join the others... added a pair of older ladies because if you are building a C&C palace and want to dilute the teenage hormones why not... added a 6th lady as one of the older girls seemed a bit left out... failed to bond a 7th so she got her own cage and husboar...
It's very easy to suddenly go from 2 to 3 to 5 to 8 pigs without knowing how you got there, which is brilliant if you love piggies above all else and own your own home and know you can prioritise them and afford them as your main interest/instead of children for the next 8 years...
We are lucky enough and have planned enough to do that, but it isnt a lifestyle choice for everyone.
If you have 2 groups going on holiday is tricky, once you get to 8 pigs its pretty impossible to go away for more that a weekend with a petsitter who will come to your home. And if you dont live on your own/own your own home, then this may cause tension and bad feeling- very few people (except here on the forum) would give up 2 rooms of their house/ all their holidays for the next few years/ all their disposable income to a bunch of rodents.
I would, and so would my husband, and so would many people here- but, we aren't all representative of "normal" casual pet owners by any means!
It still sounds like a good idea to me. Four just looks like the perfect number of piggies to me (not gonna lie probably gonna want more in the future but realistically four is perfect righit now). How would you suggest to start the conversation? What would you say?
I have four piggies and they make a fab heard. If you pay for them surely your parents won't mind!
It still sounds like a good idea to me. Four just looks like the perfect number of piggies to me (not gonna lie probably gonna want more in the future but realistically four is perfect righit now). How would you suggest to start the conversation? What would you say?
Say that you want to have a chat about adding a fourth piggy. Have them first explain their reasons why they think you shouldn’t add another. You also need to think about the scenario of if you brought one home and the bonding failed. What would you do in that instance? What if none of them wanted to live with her? What would you do then? Think through every scenario and a way to overcome it and present that.

Unfortunately as you are living with them, they kind of have overall say. Unfair but that’s the way it works in this instance.
If you have money for the vet bills,plan for a failure to bond ,extra cage.i would also think longterm....if you need to move out of your parents home.if all agree then go for it.