One Guinea Pig Steals Food From The Other?

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New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2016
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Hello hello.

First time poster and also first time owning guinea pigs. I got 2 female guinea pigs a little over a week ago. They're also both litter mates. I kept them separate for the first 5 days so they could get used to their surroundings and all the noises that go on in my household. I introduced them just last Thursday and everything seemed to be going well until I noticed one of them is constantly stealing food from the other. The guinea pig that has her food stolen is actually pretty confident and stands her ground, she'll jerk her head away when she sees the other one coming to snatch food from her mouth but sometimes the dominant guinea pig will succeed and steal food anyway. Mind you, I do have 2 food bowls but it's like the dominant guinea pig really doesn't care about eating, she just wants to assert her dominance and won't bother eating from the other food bowl.

I'm just afraid if this keeps up, the guinea pig who has her food stolen will eventually be discouraged from eating all together. Should I go back to keeping them separate and for how long? Has anyone else had this issue and what all did you do to solve it?
You've got no worries about one not eating, they will always eat when you're not looking, they will wait till the other is asleep or preoccupied then make their move. My newest addition didn't seem to be eating much until we weighed her to find out she'd gained quarter of a pound in 3 weeks so she was definitely eating! ;)
Hello hello.

First time poster and also first time owning guinea pigs. I got 2 female guinea pigs a little over a week ago. They're also both litter mates. I kept them separate for the first 5 days so they could get used to their surroundings and all the noises that go on in my household. I introduced them just last Thursday and everything seemed to be going well until I noticed one of them is constantly stealing food from the other. The guinea pig that has her food stolen is actually pretty confident and stands her ground, she'll jerk her head away when she sees the other one coming to snatch food from her mouth but sometimes the dominant guinea pig will succeed and steal food anyway. Mind you, I do have 2 food bowls but it's like the dominant guinea pig really doesn't care about eating, she just wants to assert her dominance and won't bother eating from the other food bowl.

I'm just afraid if this keeps up, the guinea pig who has her food stolen will eventually be discouraged from eating all together. Should I go back to keeping them separate and for how long? Has anyone else had this issue and what all did you do to solve it?

Don't worry, that is normal behaviour. Young Guinea pigs learn what is safe to eat by snatching new Foods from trusted adults or Group leaders.

A Separation was not necessary with already bonded Guinea pigs. Your now seeing more bonding behaviours as a result.
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