Junior Guinea Pig
The trio got into another fight over the weekend, the youngest (now hit that awkward age of 4 months) had some blood on his face and actually looked in pain holding his face to one side
so i have seperated him from the other two, in a C&C so they can still see each other, his half needs extending so more C&C is on its way.
the overall mood of the guineas seems low - the two older pigges have not bites other than a small scab in more dominant pig ear which looks to be healing fine. The younger single pig is looking low he is chewing on the bars to get to the other two, although the dominate pig is still rubblestrutting at him, through the bars at times.
i have read the threads about fall outs and given the odds of a trio working with matched personality pairs, never mind one that got chucked into a pair I don't feel that re-introductions is the way to go.
With Doug hitting the bad parts of his hormonal phase I'm now unsure where to go from here. Taking him back to the rescue just isn't an option, if they bundled me off with a trio saying they will be great together then a future home from their is going to be less than ideal.
i have found another resuce closer to me than although isn't on the list of rescues does offer speed dating for single boars, however I'm guessing most single boars are going to be quite dominant, hence why they are single boars and not put up with a hormonal piggys occasionally BS.
What would you do in this situation?

so i have seperated him from the other two, in a C&C so they can still see each other, his half needs extending so more C&C is on its way.
the overall mood of the guineas seems low - the two older pigges have not bites other than a small scab in more dominant pig ear which looks to be healing fine. The younger single pig is looking low he is chewing on the bars to get to the other two, although the dominate pig is still rubblestrutting at him, through the bars at times.
i have read the threads about fall outs and given the odds of a trio working with matched personality pairs, never mind one that got chucked into a pair I don't feel that re-introductions is the way to go.
With Doug hitting the bad parts of his hormonal phase I'm now unsure where to go from here. Taking him back to the rescue just isn't an option, if they bundled me off with a trio saying they will be great together then a future home from their is going to be less than ideal.
i have found another resuce closer to me than although isn't on the list of rescues does offer speed dating for single boars, however I'm guessing most single boars are going to be quite dominant, hence why they are single boars and not put up with a hormonal piggys occasionally BS.
What would you do in this situation?