On the right track?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 21, 2024
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Hi everyone :)

So I have only had Gus and Walter for 2 weeks this Sunday - they’re my first guinea pigs, and I just want to make sure I’m doing right by them in terms of bonding with them etc.

They live in our lounge and are around us a lot - they are quite happy to wander around and do their own thing in the cage whilst we are in there. They still spook at the occasional noise, but come right back out. They are happy to take food from my hands, and often wheek at me whenever I open the fridge door :lol: They also let me stroke them in the cage most of the time.

However, still haven’t managed to pick either of them up, not unless I put them in their carrier and even that takes some herding for Gus. They are fast and slip out of my hands. I’ve got snuggle sacks on the way, however they are clever and I'm not sure if I’ll even get them in those haha! I don’t want to rush them, I’m aware it’s still early days however I’d like them to get used to it so I can do a more thorough health check, clip nails and weigh them. Maybe I’m giving up too easy, but I don’t like to chase them?

Any advice appreciated!
It all sounds very positive so far.
You’re doing a great job.
Some piggies will always make it difficult for you to catch them, no matter what you use.
Eventually you will find the best way to catch each one.

2 weeks isn’t long for them to settle completely and feel safe. The prey instincts are always there.
Be patient with yourself as well as Gus and Walter
They sound adorable ! Welcome to the forum and please send us some pics when Gus and Walter are ready. I have 5 piggies, a pair of sows and a separate 3 which are a boar and 2 sows. The pair of sows do not like being handled but they will tolerate being picked up if they are inside their tunnel, so that may be worth trying, to get them used to you and their surroundings. I hold the fleece tunnel near to them and they will go i it, but expect a nice salad treat to be in there first !
Thank you! We actually just had a little breakthrough this evening - I’ve been using the carrier to sit them on the sofa with a blanket and their veg in the evenings after work. Tonight, I just let them sit with me a while, then managed to scoop them up one at a time for a little cuddle! :luv: They didn’t fall out with me after either, so that’s always a plus! :lol:
You can train your piggies to go in a hidey. It took Misty and Bramble nearly a year but we got there! Now I just put snuggle sack in the run and say "in you go" and they just walk in there and I put them back in the hutch. They have learnt that the Snuggle Sack Express means its time for veggie dindins. When I first adopted them every morning (when it was their turn in the run) I would put the snuggle sack in the cage (Thea was in the hutch and didn't want to be friends with them then) and say "in you go" and herd them in. Then in the evening I would put the snuggle sack in the run and say "in you go" and herd them in. Eventually it got through to them that good things were going to happen if they went in the Snuggle Sack Express. They either got breakfast pellets or veggie dindins.

You need to be patient and let your piggies lead you as to when the time is right to do stuff.
Sounds like your piggies are so comfortable with you already! Mine weren't wheeking or regularly out in their cage after two weeks, they took longer to settle. Like @Betsy I also trained mine to use a snuggle sack, this started by getting them in a smaller area of the cage and herding them in. They love lettuce so I'd always give them lettuce in the snuggle sack, but it took a good two weeks of them jumping straight off my lap (i always sit on the floor with them) the moment I sat down before they felt comfortable enough to start eating and settle down. The day they each took a bite of lettuce before jumping off felt like a real win! Now, about 4 months on, they happily stay in the snuggle sack to eat lettuce although they usually jump out once it's been eaten! and I can pet and groom them while they eat. My more nervous piggy used to chatter her teeth when she saw the snuggle sack, so once we'd established that snuggle sack meant lettuce, I stopped chasing her, put her in a smaller area of the cage and put some lettuce in the snuggle sack to entice her in in her own time (at this point the other piggy was climbing into the sack herself). I also initially used a more covered hidey which I couldn't pet her in to start with so she felt safer, before transitioning to the snuggle sack and slowly increasing petting when she felt more comfortable. Nowadays I just sit on the floor with the snuggle sack next to me when they are having floor time and they fight to get in it first to eat their lettuce! There were definitely times I was going to give up (particularly with Honey, as there were days I would wait for 20 minutes for her to stop deliberately ignoring the snuggle sack and get in) but it was so worth it and they love it now, waffle even purrs fairly regularly while eating lettuce and being petted!
Thank you everyone for the advice! I’ve been really careful to just take my time with them, I’m just relieved to know I can handle them for their weekly checks now :luv: I’ll try and do the same thing as I did last night every night for a little bit and build up their confidence!
Thank you everyone for the advice! I’ve been really careful to just take my time with them, I’m just relieved to know I can handle them for their weekly checks now :luv: I’ll try and do the same thing as I did last night every night for a little bit and build up their confidence!
Sounds like you're putting in the work and getting really good results! Yay you! You got some lucky piggies :)

ETA: I second the call for pics when you're up for it! Let us see those wheekers!
I have had my piggies two weeks today (happy anniversary to us). Three days ago Stan, the dominant boy started being really really mean to Squirrel - up until this point they had been fine. Squirrel was so distraught he took himself to his hay bed and didn't come out for several hours. Distraught me contacted the rescue to ask for advice and she said to me that the first couple of weeks they are unsure of their new homes generally and are kind of on best behaviour and then as they realise you aren't a threat and you gain their trust the dominant piggy will just put the other one in their place to establish the new territory. This made a lot of sense to me. I also believe that I was stressing him a little bit with my enthusiasm to bond with them which in turn Stan was then taking his anxiety out on Squirrel. Also lovely Lili from the Rescue gave me suggestions to give them more distraction during the day which I have also done - putting hay in different places and foraging etc. The piggies have a lot of room, hide outs, toys etc and as soon as we get home they go out in their outdoor run on the grass to have a change of scenery or if it's not suitable they have the whole room which they love. Since the chat with Lili and the changes - me backing off a bit (I was picking them up out of the carrier to put them outside/inside now I am letting them use the transport and get out themselves, Stan is always first now with transport, veg treats etc and I always speak to Stan first things have calmed down a lot and this morning bless him Stan enjoyed a cheek, ear and head rub which was really enjoyable for us both. Squirrel is very loving and enjoys a good rub but I count this as a major win with Stan. I keep telling them I am new at this and learning and trying very hard to make sure they are happy but I will make mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck with your taming - I will watch with interest.

The photos are Squirrel enjoying some forage during floor time and Stan with his lettuce on floor time.

A positive update - the piggies will let me hold them now! I put their evening veggies in their carrier and they go straight in, then we have cuddles on the bed. It’s become a little routine that we build on slowly :luv: Facetune_04-07-2024-20-31-58.webpFacetune_04-07-2024-20-35-43.webpFacetune_04-07-2024-20-38-28.webpFacetune_04-07-2024-20-40-40.webp
I have had my piggies two weeks today (happy anniversary to us). Three days ago Stan, the dominant boy started being really really mean to Squirrel - up until this point they had been fine. Squirrel was so distraught he took himself to his hay bed and didn't come out for several hours. Distraught me contacted the rescue to ask for advice and she said to me that the first couple of weeks they are unsure of their new homes generally and are kind of on best behaviour and then as they realise you aren't a threat and you gain their trust the dominant piggy will just put the other one in their place to establish the new territory. This made a lot of sense to me. I also believe that I was stressing him a little bit with my enthusiasm to bond with them which in turn Stan was then taking his anxiety out on Squirrel. Also lovely Lili from the Rescue gave me suggestions to give them more distraction during the day which I have also done - putting hay in different places and foraging etc. The piggies have a lot of room, hide outs, toys etc and as soon as we get home they go out in their outdoor run on the grass to have a change of scenery or if it's not suitable they have the whole room which they love. Since the chat with Lili and the changes - me backing off a bit (I was picking them up out of the carrier to put them outside/inside now I am letting them use the transport and get out themselves, Stan is always first now with transport, veg treats etc and I always speak to Stan first things have calmed down a lot and this morning bless him Stan enjoyed a cheek, ear and head rub which was really enjoyable for us both. Squirrel is very loving and enjoys a good rub but I count this as a major win with Stan. I keep telling them I am new at this and learning and trying very hard to make sure they are happy but I will make mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck with your taming - I will watch with interest.

The photos are Squirrel enjoying some forage during floor time and Stan with his lettuce on floor time.

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Oh they're so sweet, I could just cry ❤️ ❤️
A positive update - the piggies will let me hold them now! I put their evening veggies in their carrier and they go straight in, then we have cuddles on the bed. It’s become a little routine that we build on slowly :luv:
YEAH! Good job, and thank you for the pictures, they are GORGEOUS sweet babies :)