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Olive oil?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2020
Reaction score
Hi, this is a slightly gross question…
I posted on here a while ago about my boar who has developed impaction after neutering. He has been doing ok with regular cleaning, though the build up seems to be getting larger every time. Today while cleaning him I noticed a red and slightly irritated patch on the skin where the penis is underneath, I was aware they could get infections there so I checked his penis which had a small build up of whitish yuck. I removed some yuck but his penis does not go back in properly, it seems as if it is too dry? I see that the lady who runs LAGPR who seems very knowledgable uses a small amount of olive oil for this issue and I was wondering if this was ok? I know it is used for cleaning human ears so should be relatively safe in theory?
Sorry for the really bizarre question! Can anyone advise on this?
I personally wouldn’t use olive oil but rather lubricant. My late Edward had an issue where his penis wouldn’t retract. Thankfully the vet nurse managed to retract it but she suggested lubricant if it happened again
I would have him seen by a vet and not try to do anything yourself. It’s obviously a very delicate area and best left to professional help
Ok. I will keep an eye on it and if I find that it is getting stuck outside with no interference then I will get him seen by a vet. I am thinking that giving him a bum bath in warm water may help to moisten it somewhat.
Hi, this is a slightly gross question…
I posted on here a while ago about my boar who has developed impaction after neutering. He has been doing ok with regular cleaning, though the build up seems to be getting larger every time. Today while cleaning him I noticed a red and slightly irritated patch on the skin where the penis is underneath, I was aware they could get infections there so I checked his penis which had a small build up of whitish yuck. I removed some yuck but his penis does not go back in properly, it seems as if it is too dry? I see that the lady who runs LAGPR who seems very knowledgable uses a small amount of olive oil for this issue and I was wondering if this was ok? I know it is used for cleaning human ears so should be relatively safe in theory?
Sorry for the really bizarre question! Can anyone advise on this?


A lubricant is generally better than olive oil since the oil will contribute to the build up of smegma around the penis, espeically if used regularly. Please express the full penis and see whether there is not a build up that prevents it from going back in right now.
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths