Olga da Polga

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
I've only just discovered these books. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
They're so gorgeous :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Any of you guys read them?
Ive heard about them,the books are based on P Gurneys piggy Olga,I'm gonna go look on ebay now for one
Oh these are amazing books - I love them. My Boris is named after Olga da Polga's friend in the books. Olga belonged to Michael Bond and his family but I think she went to stay with Peter Gurney for some treatment. :)
I read them as a child .....

I loved them - they were my favourite bedtime stories :smitten:

My parents coudlnt really afford pets so as i grew up I forgot about guineas

Little did i realise that all these years later I would be so in love with these precious creatures. Life / fate / God etc moves in mysterious ways :)
I read and loved htese Olga books as a child - wonderful books, faves of mine along with Hanibal hamster books :D
Glynis, they are children's fiction, not instruction manuals ;D

they are sooooo sweeeet - I do hope you can get hold of them.
I have never heard of them going to hunt for them my children love getting new books.
I adore books nothing better then getting lost in another place, on holiday I read my 4 books then had to borrow Carrie annes Carries war
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