Very long update and my reflections on Oreo, and some questions. I don't expect it to be read by many but there's a couple of questions so I put those in bold in case anyone's experienced the same.
We're hanging on. We're worried we might not have much time left with Oreo. Having never had a guinea pig this old it's hard to tell especially when you know it's a one-way street and things can happen quickly.
We've been giving 0.5ml metacam, the antibiotics, the probiotics, continued 4joints and cystease. I thought I saw a bit of improvement with mobility and perking up. We managed a couple of days without being drenched. I think trimming her bottom hair as short as I could and taking off a bit of her hid leg fluff at the back helped so it doesn't soak up as far.
I'm not so sure today. Yesterday's weigh in saw a new lowest weight from 845g to 815g but I forgot to weigh this morning so I'm not sure yet whether she had an empty belly/bladder or she's dropped further. She was soaked and smelly again but with the shorter hair it was limited to her belly and back legs so I gave her a mini wash ie. washing it off using a bowl of warm water and microfibre cloth while she stood on a towel so she didn't get wet wet but more than just a wipe down, so I could get the urine off her.
She's just looking sorry for herself a lot more. Sitting/standing still just.. looking. Although I balance this with as a coronet with a lot of droopy hair around her face, she can look sad just when she isn't looking up so you can see her eyes properly. I'm also not sure if this is just her sleeping... being older I know she's going to sleep a lot more. And Oreo was always a big sleeper even as a young pig we'd joke she was always napping and we wouldn't notice much difference when she got old. She does this a lot.
She'll be in a tunnel or eating then she'll just stand there for ages. Then eventually she'll slowly start eating again. Repeat. Is this just her dozing off a lot?
The big difference I've notice over time is that she doesn't flop or lay down much now. She always used to curl up and stick her legs at weird angles or at least lay down. She's a lot more upright and stays sitting/standing up most the time. Sometimes she will lay down when we have lap cuddles but I think it's uncomfortable for her these days. I think maybe it's her bladder issues because since getting them at times she can squeak out if you touch the wrong part of her lower belly. We know at least she has gritty urine and has had bladder stones pushed out by specialist before. And of course she has the arthritis. It means she doesn't take the weight of her back paws much which have had little red patches since she started getting the arthritis.
Oreo's not been the biggest fan of the vet bed so far. It took me a couple of days to get it in the post, wash and brush it several times. Not long ago this afternoon she went to walk off a piece and stumbled

She hasn't got much strength in her to stay on her feet if she gets nudged. She likes to curl up under a big pile of hay as long as the others don't mistakenly end up on her, or she pushes up a pee pad and lays against it. Like she's always trying to hide away under things now. She doesn't like us to bother her too much which I think is a combination of how she's feeling and the increase in baths and course of antibiotics that she really doesn't like either of. She's happier in her cage being quiet in her own space than being on our lap for strokes. She used to stay on our lap sprawled out asleep for hours and looked most put out when you put her back in the cage.
Just now, I managed to get her to try the vet bed with a snuggle safe half under it by putting her on it and gently stroking her so she stayed. She sat there for a while looking confused.
Then her lips twitching more than I've seen them before and her head/body doing little nods.. almost like if you are nodding off. It was new though so I couldn't tell if maybe it's a guinea pig literally nodding off or if she was in discomfort. Anyone else's pig do this? It worried me something's wrong though and I have the carrier out in case I have to take her to the vet quickly.
I put a pile of hay in front of her and a very shallow bowl of nuggets, then mixed dandelion and plantain forage in. She perked up and ate some hay and forage with gusto. Now she's moved so she's laying down on top of the snuggle safe under the vet bed. I've felt it the vet bed with my hand and it doesn't feel very warm to me but I heated it right. She's still and has the fleece forest over her.
I'm considering if I take her to the vet or not. I'm not sure if she's unwell or it's just more age. Our local vet doesn't seem to put much effort in when I take her there. He'll check her over a bit including her teeth and bladder, feeling for stones and looking at the urine. He's suggested trying a conscious scan but she won't keep still out of her cage especially at the vet. He just kind of says that she's very old and it may be urine infection/stones/grit and it's hard to tell. Whereas if I take her to Kim at Cat and Rabbit, she looks at every part of her in detail, tells me how different parts of her are (e.g. heart, gut, arthritis etc etc) and tells me what her experience of life is like at this time and whether we can make her more comfortable or if things are progressing and how I'll know what to do when.
Oreo deserves to be seen by Kim but it's a 4.5 hour round journey in the car then extra time while at the vet. I don't know if I should make an appointment to get a good overall understanding of her condition and quality of life, but I feel like that's a lot to put her through at her age/condition?
I worry her quality of life isn't great right now but I don't know what quality of life looks like at this age and what's normal. She still rushes out when it's salad/veg time, snatches treats from you, gulps down her medicines but spends most her time not moving very much and most the day sleeping in one spot. I can't tell if she's comfortable or in pain. I think I see signs she's uncomfortable but I don't know the degree of it. And I have to remind myself that she will look very different to the other four... because they're 4.5 years younger than she is!
Every day is a rollercoaster of emotions between seeing her in her active moments with the herd and seeing her not come out for hours. I hate it that no matter how much I look at her I don't know how she's feeling and she can't tell me. It just feels like guessing all the time especially when I know how well they can hide it/just carry on.