Junior Guinea Pig
Has anybody had a successful outcome on an operation for a guinea pig over 7 and a half years?
I have noticed what feels like 1 or 2 tumors towards the back of Patches Testicles/bottom area (Maybe on the back of the actual testicles). The area feels solid, hard and abnormal (Nothing visible however), he also has a small moveable lump above his left hip. He is eating, drinking and pooping okay, and dosn't particularly seem to be in any pain, is also alert, and coat is in good condition.
I am going to book him a vet appointment within the next couple of days.
Was wondering if anybody has had a similar issue with male boars, or if anybody could shed light on this? Was not evident before this week, it is something I have discovered in the last few days (nothing before this) No impaction visible either, and no real problems with grease gland that I can see.
Also could you Please also let me know the eldest guinea pig you have had operated on with a successful outcome. Many Thanks
I had Patche's 7 year old brother operated on, he pulled through, but went down hill after a few days, and had to be put to sleep 2 weeks later, also had a similar experience with 6 and a half year old Sweep, who went under at the same time as Panda, he lasted for another 2 months before having to be put to sleep.
We had a real run of bad luck up towards Christmas, we first lost 7. 3 year old panda, then his 7.3 year old Sister Frosty 2 weeks later who died in the vets arms when they were checking her over (Massive heart attack, due to high levels of acid), and then 2 days later their nearly 8 year old mum(10 days from turning 8) Delphie who had to be put to sleep because of bloat, Patch and Bilbo are the last ones left from the family, but Bilbo is 9 months younger than Patch. As you can imagine I am very paranoid about losing these two particular guinea pigs. but know it is inevitable, as they are really old little men.
Many thanks for any support!
I have noticed what feels like 1 or 2 tumors towards the back of Patches Testicles/bottom area (Maybe on the back of the actual testicles). The area feels solid, hard and abnormal (Nothing visible however), he also has a small moveable lump above his left hip. He is eating, drinking and pooping okay, and dosn't particularly seem to be in any pain, is also alert, and coat is in good condition.
I am going to book him a vet appointment within the next couple of days.
Was wondering if anybody has had a similar issue with male boars, or if anybody could shed light on this? Was not evident before this week, it is something I have discovered in the last few days (nothing before this) No impaction visible either, and no real problems with grease gland that I can see.
Also could you Please also let me know the eldest guinea pig you have had operated on with a successful outcome. Many Thanks
I had Patche's 7 year old brother operated on, he pulled through, but went down hill after a few days, and had to be put to sleep 2 weeks later, also had a similar experience with 6 and a half year old Sweep, who went under at the same time as Panda, he lasted for another 2 months before having to be put to sleep.
We had a real run of bad luck up towards Christmas, we first lost 7. 3 year old panda, then his 7.3 year old Sister Frosty 2 weeks later who died in the vets arms when they were checking her over (Massive heart attack, due to high levels of acid), and then 2 days later their nearly 8 year old mum(10 days from turning 8) Delphie who had to be put to sleep because of bloat, Patch and Bilbo are the last ones left from the family, but Bilbo is 9 months younger than Patch. As you can imagine I am very paranoid about losing these two particular guinea pigs. but know it is inevitable, as they are really old little men.
Many thanks for any support!