So I have 2 and half year old Charlie long haired pig and he seemed happy enough by himself but kept being told how another piggy would make him so happy....... I was advised that a baby boar would be best I was advised to quarintine and slowly introduce them before putting them in a cage together.....I Got baby Alfie (6 wks old at the time) and kept them apart and then did what everyone was advising netural ground 2 of everything plenty room and keep supervised I have even bathed them both in the same shampoo. I have been doing this for about 2-3 weeks Alfie goes mad as soon as he sees charlie, popcorning allover and follows Charlie all over nver leaves his side and charlie seems really happy as well (not jumping as high because hes much bigger but still popcorning) Alfie is still a little nervous of humans but is amazing when with Charlie they both run around together share food and play........My only concern is now and again charlie chatters his teeth not really load but slightly and only sometimes. He hasnt snaped at alfie or anything else. I was hoping to get them in the same cage as soon as I can as Charlie is in a big C&C but alfie is in a smaller cage until they bond. Am I just being a scaredy cat ? I just dont want to put them in together if this is a sign they wont get on.....Has any one got any advice? would be grateful of any storeys of yours thank you