And some photos. Here's some and of pip when I first rescued him from a horrible primary school. Please excuse the cage, it was an emergency cage View attachment 139173
I makes me shiver to think that we almost took her back to the shop because we impulse bought her. And when we got her home, we were thinking. Oh no what have we done. But then after a day I fell in love with the girl. We been though so much together after 4 years. So glad we got her uterine tumour sorted.Love when I find old photos!
Dots nose is cute
In this photo, the right hand boar sky, hated dot, but dot loved sky.Right to left is sky, pip, then dot.
Again please excuse that I had 2 boars with one sow. I can't be bothered to explain, but it was when I didn't know much about Guinea pigs. One of the boars was neutered but the other wasn't. View attachment 139174