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Old Man Nibbler Sick


New Born Pup
Sep 11, 2022
Reaction score
New York
Hi everyone!

My wife and I have an elder 6.5 year old boar named Nibbler who is battling a few illnesses right now that have us really concerned.

We are located in the US and can kindly use some assistance, feedback, and personal experiences.

My apologies in advance for the incredibly long post!

Nibbler’s Medical Background:
  • Has been treated for forms of URI/Pneumonia 4x (including currently).
  • Has been prescribed “lifelong” daily Metacam (.14ml) for pain management/early signs of arthritis.
  • Has (apparently) a sensitive stomach and has battled bloat in the past and has it currently. He has been off vegetables entirely for almost a year now.
  • Has a form of lice (untreated at the moment)
General Diet:
  • Fresh handfuls of timothy hay and orchard grass 4-5x daily.
    • We have offered oat hay and Oxbow’s “botanical” hay in the past, but infrequently.
  • Oxbow Garden Select Pellets (Adult Guinea Pig) - 2TBSP (1TBSP offered at morning, and 1TBSP at night)
  • Oxbow Natural Vitamin C Supplement Tablet - 1 tablet in the morning
  • Oxbow Natural Science Digestive Support Tablet - 1/2 tablet in the early afternoon, 1/2 tablet in the early evening.
  • BeneBac Plus Gel Probiotic Support - 5ml/.5g weekly when not sick; .5ml/.5g 2x daily after antibiotics are administered.
When sick: Oxbow Critical Care (Apple & Banana) via syringe

  • 60” x 30” chloroplast cage grid enclosure with fleece bedding/similar flooring; shared with his cagemate (2yr old Boar named Owlie).
His recent story/illness:

On 08/25/22, Nibbler appeared lethargic, disinterested in hay and slightly puffy, weighing in at 956g. He was taken to the vet on 08/26/22 weighing at 920g, eating minimal hay but still mainly disinterested. X-rays were taken, and a general exam was given. He appeared fine during his physical but based on his history (last sick with URI/Pneumonia in January 2022), he was prescribed Sulfatrim (.57ml 2x a day for 7-10 days). We were also given Revolution lice treatment for kittens/puppies to administer topically at home but we haven’t done this as it says not to use on sick/nursing animals.

His x-ray report came back showing the following: 1) mild to moderate bronchointerstitial pulmonary changes in the lungs, 2) stomach moderately gas distended, 3) soft tissue mass forming at left elbow, 4) osteophytes and dystrophy in stifle joints.

After about 6.5 days on Sulfatrim, his weight continued to slip (860g as of 09/01/22), and the lethargy and inappetence was unchanged. His poops were thinner but mainly held the correct shape. The vet was contacted again and Nibbler was prescribed a stronger antibiotic (Baytril at .2ml), and GI Prokinetic (Reglan or Metoclopramide at .55ml) - both of which started on 09/02/22 evening.

On 09/04/22 and 09/05/22, his activity and appetence levels seem to have spiked as we made some changes to his enclosure to make it more fun, things were looking up. We added small portions of oat hay and a botanical hay to the mix to try to get him more interested — and it appeared to work. We caught him eating at the pile for 30mins! At this time, we also experimented with a different flavor of Critical Care — Anise flavor. Now… we’re not sure if this was something that we screwed up on big time, but on 09/06/22 (4 days into his new med cycle), his poops have turned into unformed smelly large unshaped muddy piles, and he appears to be a lot more bloated and harder underneath. There’s also a lot of rumbling and movements underneath as well. He’s been mostly soft underneath and hasn’t had much gas issues since early 2022. As soon as the poop changed, we cut off the different hay and anise immediately and went back to the original feedings. We think it’s the Anise, but can’t be sure…

So now, we’re at the point he’s mostly disinterested in hay again, less active, and batting probably more bloat then before, and terrible poops. He’s lost more weight and is now at 759g. The mushy unformed piles of poop remain the same, with the occasional shapely tiny soft one in between. We’re going to have to up the critical care syringe intake A LOT. I personally am having a hard time getting him to take anything from the syringe expect for his Reglan and Metacam, but my wife is the saving grace when it comes to everything else. It takes me an hour just to get 2ml of critical care in him.

We contacted our vet over the phone, but at this point it was suggested to take him to a board certified exotic vet hospital for further tests and advice.

We are at a loss, and don’t know what to do. He’s always bounced back fast from his previous treatments. I’m refusing to say he’s declining because of old age so quickly.

I want to attach photos of the X-rays, reports, poops, and pictures of Nibbler as well, how can I do that from my iPhone? I always found including these photos might be helpful to others as well.

Thank you for reading!
Photos and report attached.


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Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry you have a poorly piggy. I don’t have any experience of bloat and very soft poops. But with regards to the syringe feeding. I was really struggling to feed my piggy recently. What helped enormously was that my husband sat with Pepper on his lap and I had two hands free. One to hold his nose up and steady and the other to syringe the food in. There is a little gap between their front incisors and their back teeth. I hold there and lift his head up slightly and pop the syringe in behind the incisors. Good luck. I hope that helps. Hopefully someone will be along soon with some more advice.
Welcome to the forum.
Sorry to read that you are struggling with Nibbler’s health.
He’s a good age, a real tribute to your love and care.

I can’t advise but want to assure you of support
Ugh, I was giving him a massage about 2 hours ago after we gave him his probiotics and he kind of gave this twitch/shake that I never seen or felt before. He then proceeded to lay flat on me which he doesn’t do during massages. We placed him in his home. He didn’t squeal or make any noises when he made the odd movement, he just seems off now.

I kind of had to force/hand his treat to let him know it was in my hand, he took it but he wasn’t interested in his treat like he was earlier (running to the gate). It wasn’t until the massage…

I’m scared now this might be his time.

I h
Thank you. He feels really bloated.

We just gave him a slice of green pepper because it was his favorite. We just had to do it - and he destroyed it. We are looking into calling the ER now, but he just feels very bubbly in his stomach. Haven’t seen him poop since earlier this morning, so maybe he’s just constipated and it can get resolved. We have simethicone which is a mild-gas reliever over here used for babies and such, but don’t really know how much to give.
Thank you. He feels really bloated.

We just gave him a slice of green pepper because it was his favorite. We just had to do it - and he destroyed it. We are looking into calling the ER now, but he just feels very bubbly in his stomach. Haven’t seen him poop since earlier this morning, so maybe he’s just constipated and it can get resolved. We have simethicone which is a mild-gas reliever over here used for babies and such, but don’t really know how much to give.

Please don’t give veg to a piggy with bloat.
Piggies don’t get constipated.
Simethicone Isn’t recommended as it tends to gather gas into one big bubble which is fine for human babies but can make gas more painful for guinea pigs.
Definitely call the vet. I hope he is ok

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
What can we do to try to resolve this potentially deadly bloat? Anyone familiar with US meds? I’m giving him a really gentle massage after 4ml of critical care (17cc total, and a full vitamin c tab through 4pm). We’re looking at vets who are open.

Do we have to lube his butt it it’s dry or he’s having a hard time?

There is an emergency exotic vet hospital that can see him today, but he will not be seen by the expert.
We’ve scheduled a visit to a nearest vet and on our way there. We will look to get some fluids and X-rays done. We’re not sure if he’ll be able to diagnose much as the X-rays will be sent to the radiologist for results that may come in tomorrow. We hope he will offer some info and help.

Side note, we’re thinking of stopping the Baytril tonight, at least for 1 dose. We’ll look at the X-rays and try to make a decision with the input of the vet.
We just noticed while in the vet room his eyes look sunken and crusty! Jesus! I offered him the water bottle and he actually drank from it. His poop is a little more watery but kind of is all over the place: mushy, small soft pellets, clumps, watery, etc.
We will do the SQ fluids and x-rays. Nibbler had watery poop/diarrhea again! His eyes look sunken too now that we see it…

It was advised that we stop the medication, especially the Metacam as this could reportedly be having an adverse effect on his liver and stomach - doctor mentioned that it could be causing ulcers or other problems we wouldn’t be able to see. Stopping the meds could pinpoint the problem and maybe get him to heal up internally.

He also mentioned cisapride as a replacement for Reglan/Metoclopramide. We will ask him more info about this.
My apologies for the excessive posts, duplicated thoughts, and typing errors! My mind is all over the place…

We got back from the vet and Nibbler wheeked at the sound of crumpling paper bags from inside his carrier as we were cleaning up. He jumped right to the top and started biting the zipper wanting “treats”. It’s nice to see him being perkier after the vet visit getting his SQ fluids. He looks a bit heavy on one side from the liquids but hopefully it’s not an issue for him.

My wife syringed him 5.5ml of critical care which he took with ease. He’s at 25.5ml of critical care for the day. We will definitely be giving him more. Next feeding at 11:15pm or so and then 3 hours between each feeding.

He was eating a decent bit of hay and some pellets when we placed him back home – which was nice to see. But we’re scared. We had another little guy go through the same situation, and then decline rapidly after a spurt of activity after coming back from the vet. It’s going to be tough to bounce back but we will do everything we can, and love him very much.

I’ve attached photos of his x-rays from today — 1) showing excessive gas throughout everywhere and very little to no food in him! 2) lung issues not particularly getting any better.

It was advised we stick with the Reglan and probiotics, but suggested we stop the metacam and perhaps the antibiotics until some intestinal/gastric issues start clearing up.


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I'd be a bit worried about stopping the metacam as bloat is very painful... which might account for the squinty eyes you are seeing because my girl's eyes were the same when she had it.

Louise had a gut motility drug (emeprid) to keep everything moving, and twice a day metacam (1.5mg/ml, 0.3ml to 0.4ml approx each time). At 1.3 kilo she's fat and fluffy so the only visible difference I could see in her was those squinty eyes - then when I picked her up she was hard like a barrel. We syringed food throughout the day to keep the gut conveyor belt moving. I had her on a warm rubber hot water bottle covered in fleeces to just create a soft warm surface and ran the handle of an electric toothbrush over her sides. She enjoyed this - Louise is timid and would have normally leapt a mile at the noise but she sat very patiently. A ride in the car might have helped too as she unexpectedly produced quite a lot of poops on the way to our vet which is about 30 mins drive.

Have a look at this link Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links specifically the bit about 'poop soup' as you luckily have a healthy companion to hand. My old George provided our 'dose': George gets impacted so is manually unbunged every night and it's a mix of waste poops and the fudgy, sticky caecotrophes that we don't usually see but which are the natural product of the caecum that piggies eat again. So somewhere in that whiffy dollop was 'normal' gut bacteria which really helped resolve Louise's issue. Some pigs take the poop soup straight from a syringe but Louise was horrified so I mixed a little in with her critical care food... and she was still horrified, but once it was in it was in as they can't spit things back out!

George is 1.3 kilo too and takes 0.3ml metacam twice a day for his arthritis. They burn through it very fast. He has done for nearly two years and he is just fine. Piggies are often under-prescribed and vets are wary of offering the 1.5mg/ml dog version, preferring to stick to the weaker 0.5mg/ml cat version which is now licensed for pigs too. For shorter, more painful issues like UTI we've had double that dose. But of course we cannot tell people here to go against veterinary advice because we are not vets ourselves.

I would also speak to my vet again about those lice and the treatment. That can't be comfortable for your poor old boy x
Sorry to read about poor Nibbler, I agree I would not stop the metacam and I personally think the dosage is rather low. You want to keep Nibbler pain free if at all possible. Long term users of metacam (the one for dogs ) can take are often given 0.5 mg twice a day or more so your dose is really low anyway. Is there a different AB he could take, Bayril can kill the appetite and cause soft poops and associated problems
We’re not sure if doing the lice treatment on top of everything else, especially with how weak he is now would hurt or help him. Any suggestions on antibiotics to switch to? He has been on Sulfatrim for the past 2 URIs and has recovered, but didn’t fair too well on it at the start of this URI cycle hence the switch to Baytril.

Also about the bloat, or excessive gas, since Simethicone is not recommended, what about gripe water? His X-rays are showing A LOT of smaller gas bubbles throughout his GI tract, would this help in the case of what we’re seeing – how much to give? He’s weighing at 828g but with 50cc of fluid given yesterday evening.

We also haven’t seen any poop, and not sure of urine output, but we are monitoring. His ears and feet are starting to feel a little colder to the touch.
Copying in a bit from the link above

Home treatment medications that you may see mentioned
- Herbal gripe water (UK brand) or similar mild herb-based baby colic treatments or anti-bloating herbal teas from the baby section of a pharmacy or a supermarket can be safely taken in addition to the vet medication. They can help to disperse the gas. If in doubt, please ask your vet. However, gripe water on its own will not cut through acute bloat!

My girl wouldn't touch it but Wiebke's pigs apparently love it. Try and keep up the syringe feeding as it pushes the gas through... they don't burp so it has to come out the back end. Louise liked a warm, soft surface to lie on though to ease her discomfort. Any pressure on the belly was difficult for her.

It's getting a bit late here in the UK so in a few hours people will be going off-line soon. Good luck, brave old boy x
Looks like he was trying to eat some pellets, and is still aware and active (to an extent). He passed some small poops finally, but the side/arm where his lump is kind of just dragging. He’s a real fighter this little dude.

We’re going to massage him and syringe feed him as he’s due for one.

How can we let go if he’s not ready to? 😔
Sadly, our old dinosaur boy otherwise known as King Nibbler passed away yesterday evening at the age of 6 and a 1/2. The little old guy fought to the bitter end. He was proving something to us yesterday (as expected) and for that we are even more grateful for the happiness he brought to our lives.

We are completely devastated, but know that he is without pain with his brothers Yancy and Clamps.

RIP King Nibbs

*Thank you all for your kind thoughts and assistance. We will use it to ensure our lone piggy at the moment, Owlie, experiences a life as joyous as Nibbler.

- All the best to you and your fellow piggies.


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I’m so sorry you lost King Nibbler, what a handsome littlr man 💙 sending big hugs :hug:

Sleep tight beautiful boy, hope you are with your brothers now 🌈
I'm so sorry to hear your news. His time had come, and you made him as comfortable as you could in difficult circumstances. It's never easy...
Rest in Peace Nibbler x
Oh no. I’m so sorry. Popcorn high at the bridge Nibbler.