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Old guinea pig with lots of issues doesn't walk well


New Born Pup
Jul 1, 2024
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hey everyone! I have a lovely old lady named Wuppie. She's a sweet girl and I adopted her around may. The last couple months, lots of issues just stacked up one after another. First we discovered arthritis in her legs and her fat belly was actually a giant cyst. She's very wonky and the vet just said she's so old that she would'nt recommend an operation but instead just give her painkillers for her remaining days. She has been on them since that day and it has been great. Wuppie was very lively and eats well. Her coat is not great anymore and we gave to wash her daily because things just get stuck in there and she doesn't clean herself anymore. Anyways, lately she has been laying in one spot a lot and she barely moves. She just comes out to eat and drink now and then. I make it as easy for her as possible and she seems happy. Yesterday I discovered het front paw being very swollen and thick. I went to the vet and it's either bumble foot or cancer. But because of her age and her other issues she said to just keep her on the painkillers and put some ointment on the leg everyday instead of doing a whole new treatment with antibiotics when we are not even sure if it is cancer. The vet also said Wuppie is not in pain. I just got back home and also noticed that when Wuppie walks she drags her hind legs. She drags herself around. I have not seen that before. This would mean she only has one good leg left. Wuppy is still happy and she's eating and drinking well and the vet just said that she's not in pain. But now that I've seen her walk I'm wondering when it's enough. Anyone here that has experience with old wonky guinea pigs? Any tips?
Wuppy sounds amazing! I am linking a thread for you that I hope will help you. I recommend vetbed it certainly helps my oldies who don't move around so much as they used to.
