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Old girl


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 15, 2021
Reaction score
Another post about my old girl. She is losing hair around her legs like right on her ‘thighs’ and i’ve noticed her butt seems to have a lot of poo residue on it even though her poo has been solid. Is this just another sign she is getting old (she’s pushing on eight this year) or could she be sick . Our vet is closed and i really don’t know what to do i don’t want to take her to an emergency vet if she’s just getting old..
she’s acually eating more then normal she’s been finishing her hay faster
its good that she is eating well what are her poops like? One of my elderly girls got very bald on her feet and thighs towards the end, and her bottom sometimes got a bit messy (though her poos were normal and plentiful) she might need a little "bum bath" to help her stay clean. My girl had a bit of arthritis and couldnt bend herself around to clean everywhere so I helped her by keeping her bum clean. There is loads of advice on this site about how to bath them if it is needed (and my understanding is you only bath when necesssary not as a routine thing
its good that she is eating well what are her poops like? One of my elderly girls got very bald on her feet and thighs towards the end, and her bottom sometimes got a bit messy (though her poos were normal and plentiful) she might need a little "bum bath" to help her stay clean. My girl had a bit of arthritis and couldnt bend herself around to clean everywhere so I helped her by keeping her bum clean. There is loads of advice on this site about how to bath them if it is needed (and my understanding is you only bath when necesssary not as a routine thing
her poops are normal as far as i’ve seen . i really think it is just old age i just don’t want to accept she’s ready to go soon
her poops are normal as far as i’ve seen . i really think it is just old age i just don’t want to accept she’s ready to go soon
well eating lots is good and normal poos is good and that she is eating lots of hay I would keep topping up that hay, as much as she can eat and give her a hand with her bum hygiene. Its the early hours here in UK so you will probably get some more advice in a few hours as there are lots of really experienced pig people on here who probably know more than me. I have had 12 guineas over the last 20 years and nursed them all to their very last day, you have had her for a long time and yes we dread the end but it sounds like she is doing really well for a senior so you must be taking excellent care of her. x
She does need to be checked by a vet and you cannot just assume anything is due to old age and not do anything about it.

What are her weekly weight checks telling you? Watching her eat her does not mean anything I’m afraid - hay intake cannot be gauged by eye
You need to stick to the routine weekly weight checks. In fact with older piggies doing even more regular weight checks can be helpful - twice weekly for example. You certainly need to switch to daily weight checks where there are concerns.
There are health conditions where they can appear eating normally, to be ravenous even, but fail to hold their weight - these conditions can require medication.

It would also not be considered a normal part of ageing to lose hair. Hair always requires a vet check.
For example, If she is chewing the hair off herself then that can be a very clear sign of pain, perhaps from arthritis, which can also result in an inability to keep clean, and for that she would require daily painkillers.

Please do see a vet.

Weight Monitoring and Management