Okay So We Have A Problem.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Plutonian living in Surrey.
Basically we separated the boys, and things were great. But then, well, you know the gap between the coroplast and the cage grids? Godfrey attempted to burrow through there and I'm worried he'll make his eye worse, or get trapped between the correx and the cage grid and suffer. Duncan also tried this burrowing when he was in the C&C. What can we do?! It seems neither pig wants to be in the C&C and tries "burrowing" through to the extension. I'm so stressed! If they do it in the night they could be trapped for hours, but we can't put them both together and open to cage to the extension or they fight! Aargh!
No advice, what little horrors. Lol
Yep! It's a TERRIBLE situation. I have a number of options:
Put both pigs together- no burrowing, but they will fight
Keep things the way they are- no fighting, but a pig might burrow and get trapped
Stay awake all night watch them round-the-clock in case they burrow- they'll be okay, but I will die of exhaustion
Run away, fast- hmm. Any downsides?
Well I think the stay awake all night is the best. It's what piggy slaves are for.lol
Or the other option is stick one in a playpen, then go to bed.
Wish I could. We have one playpen and it's joined to the cage and Duncan lives in it and it's what Godfrey tried to reach. Right now, Duncan's in the C&C and Godfrey is in the pen.
They're munching innocently- "What? You're worried to death about our wellbeing? I see...
Mine try to burrow under the divider to get to each other - not sure if it's because they want to be together or because they want to rip each other's faces off haha. It's amusing watching them attempt it, they couldn't even get a toe under it never mind their fat bums :lol!: I just let mine go at it, there's not really a chance of them hurting themselves though as all they do is pull the fleece aside and scratch the coroplast. Could you maybe attach the coroplast to the grids somehow so he can't get between them? Maybe with little clips or cable ties?
Update- we've split the playpen so they are separate and safe. Also they have somewhere to stay while we wash the C&C fleece. Only downside is that they have very little room. Enough to toddle, not much. Luckily they won't be like that for long, ANYWAY, I like your idea @helloitsbecca! Why. WHY do piggies have to be such cheeky sausages?
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