Ohh My Days!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester UK.
I got my girls on Tuesday and have more or less left them alone to settle in, apart from feeding etc i haven't put my hands in the cage, so today i thought it time to clean them out.

Jeeze these little blighters are fast! Easy to catch they are not!
It took me ten mins, first i tried with my hands, they were 'avin none of it! So i got a little box and had to corner them one by one so they had no choice but to go in it. So now they are in a big box till i've done the cage and the fun starts again!

Yaay it worked :yahoo:

So how do i tame them? They are very scatty, one moreso than the other.

Mandy x
Sit outside their hutch and just talk to yourself or read a book, anything where they can hear your voice. They will get used to having you around and not be frightened.

Slowly start to sit there with a door to the hutch open with your hand in the entrance and some veggies. If I have learnt anything in owning guinea pigs, they will do anything for food. As they approach just talk softly to them and do not make any sudden movements.

In time they will trust you. If mine are in the run and I am sat with them, they jump all over my feet and climb up my legs, its quite funny.

They are prey animals though and anything bigger than them is scary. Mine have never been in danger in their run because its enclosed and has a mesh top but a bird flew over us the other day, maybe at head level and all 4 pigs darted for cover either back into the hutch or into a tunnel. Bless them.

Good luck :)
Thank you.
I have a large kitchen so their cage is in here, i'm in here all day when not at work and i work part time, so i spend most of the day around them, i do talk to them all the time, better than talking to meself :D

They do dart back under cover if i walk near them.

Thank you x
Food is definitely the key to a pigs heart aha. As soon as mine hear the veg bag rustle or the food bin open they are at the front all lined up squeaking

Just give them some time and they will love and trust you :)
Haha, yes, as soon as i get the hay bag they start squeeking, its well cute :love:
Very true.

Ive owned guinea pigs for years but recently I just rescued two girls from a home where they were in a bad condition and not handled or cared for so I'm in the same boat as you with them not trusting me and having to basically start from the beginning again!

Its hard work but worth it in the end. Do you have any pictures of your two?
I find that hand feeding veggies to them is the best way for them to realise that hands & fingers are good for them. It takes time but most come round eventually.
Just had the battle of getting them back into their cage, i had to use the box to do it, i sat with my hand in the big box before getting them out, i held a piece of carrot and Hamble (the braver one) was very interested, at one point she came and sniffed the side of my hand and i was saying quietly *please don't bite, please don't bite* thank god she didn't, i don't know who was more nervous, me or her!
I will try and get some photo's.
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