Oh whata day i have had with my boys today

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Jan 6, 2009
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Well i have 4 borthers who live togther oscor, ruben, sammy and archie

Well sammy decided he wonted to make babies with oscor at 8.00am thos moring i took sammy out and my mum held him had words with and then i put him back and after a few min there sat and had breakfast etc i then went to town i get a text from ym um at about 10.45am to get home soon as the boys re going mad and making babies with each other i was on the bs home anyways and was home at 11.00am

By the time i get home there had stopped and calmed down anyways i got sammy out he has a few red marks on his nose and he had some white stuff stuck on his hair and there was a lot of white stuff we had to cut some of it out as it was that bad. anyways he is still a bit sticky

oscor also had some white stuff on him too (sammy was trying to make babies with oscor)

archie had some blood on his nose too but rurben was fine

Sammy has finaly calmed down and gone to sleep thankgod but most of the afternoon sammy has been watching oscor who has been sat in the little house with ruben

sammy has been bought in side about 5 times today to try and calm him down

hopefull he has sorted himself out
Boars can be terribly troublesome now and again but totally gorgeous of course.

I think that the chances of your four though remaining happy as one group is not too good. Not sure what age they all are but perhaps it would be beneficial to split them into two pairs. Have a think about it :)
oh there be a four soem for a long time

there been like thsi from about 6 months old its what there do

last time i checked them there was all sat nicely i na circle eating tea

before tea sammy was a bit upset beouse know one wonted to sit by him

and i cant spilt them up there would miss each other sometimes there get split up when cleaing cages out there go mad looking for each other well 3 of them do. Them four boys have never had a thing for sitting nicely and behaving themself
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