Cleaned the pigs out today and gave them a daily check as well as trimmed nails. Checked Sunshine out and Radley has bitten him. So cleaned him up and put cream on him. Peter is not liking Radley right now! But I feel Sunshine has agrivated the situation as he has been rumbling a lot and making sure Radley knows who is the boss! He has stopped that now but Radley has gotten braver and any slight narkiness from Sunshine then Radley will have a go back.
I was unsure whether to seperate. These are only rare occurances, I've spent the whole day in the shed and monitored them so I'm hoping it's just one of those things while they were establishing rank! If Sunshine was not happy at all he would teeth chatter all day, he is that kind of pig! He never lets things drop and then he sits on your knee like butter wouldn't melt!
Boys! I was thinking if I do have to seperate then I'll try Twinkle with Radley. I think Sunshine may only take to a very young boar, but fingers crossed it won't come to that.
I was unsure whether to seperate. These are only rare occurances, I've spent the whole day in the shed and monitored them so I'm hoping it's just one of those things while they were establishing rank! If Sunshine was not happy at all he would teeth chatter all day, he is that kind of pig! He never lets things drop and then he sits on your knee like butter wouldn't melt!
Boys! I was thinking if I do have to seperate then I'll try Twinkle with Radley. I think Sunshine may only take to a very young boar, but fingers crossed it won't come to that.