Oh Mum, I'm a new pig!


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Suffolk, United Kingdom
Give me that metacam now woman!

I've not seen her up at the bars for weeks. A few days of metacam and she is a new woman. Or a crack head. I'm not sure which 😂

She's definitely happier, she is back to chuffing about her pen looking busy and just generally looking happier. I'm really pleased. Right decision for her.
I have no trouble getting Priscilla to take her Metacam. I do have trouble getting the syringe back from her!
Glad it’s made such a difference to your beautiful girl
I do worry about her teeth, she goes wild tugging on the syringe. Brings out her inner terrier!
Red's the same with his Metacam, it's a struggle to get the syringe back. He bites and tugs at the bars when he thinks it's time for his treat!
Brillo see's Red having his and gets into his tunnel ready to be lifted out of the cage for his, he won't have it in the cage but knows the routine.
We are just cracking open the second bottle of metacam and she is still going strong! I can't quite believe it. I notice I said that she was back to chuffing around the pen at the start of the thread and I suppose she is a little less active than that now but she is still much more active than she had been. I consider her "birthday" to be July 1st as she was about 1.5 when we got her and we are half way through April. So she is well into elderly and I guess there is a balance between age related slowing down and increased pain. I'm not sure how I know the difference. Her walk is ok actually, it had started to look a bit odd. Kind of splayed. That's not back. Hmm. We still fight over the syringe. If she just gave me a second I'd start to squirt it faster! The moment I start to depress the plunger she stops to lap it up but she is delaying her own gratification 😂
We are just cracking open the second bottle of metacam and she is still going strong! I can't quite believe it. I notice I said that she was back to chuffing around the pen at the start of the thread and I suppose she is a little less active than that now but she is still much more active than she had been. I consider her "birthday" to be July 1st as she was about 1.5 when we got her and we are half way through April. So she is well into elderly and I guess there is a balance between age related slowing down and increased pain. I'm not sure how I know the difference. Her walk is ok actually, it had started to look a bit odd. Kind of splayed. That's not back. Hmm. We still fight over the syringe. If she just gave me a second I'd start to squirt it faster! The moment I start to depress the plunger she stops to lap it up but she is delaying her own gratification 😂
Savour the moment and make it last 😁