oh gay guinea pigs

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babe marmalade wee-man

my guinea pigs are weird 3 boys all trying to mate i no its weired but dose anywone elses guinea pig do that
Do you mean they are mounting/humping each other? They do that as a sign of dominance to show who is boss, they're not really trying to mate ;)
well you might be right but they do start humping ontop of each other
Jane said:
Do you mean they are mounting/humping each other? They do that as a sign of dominance to show who is boss, they're not really trying to mate ;)

She is right :)

they all so that to some extent
good good just a bit freaked out u no
:-\ :P ;D 2funny
lol mine were doing it today

ive put Chessy with a couple of girls once and he just sat there all bewildered,I swear he carries a handbag
kellyandpiggies♥ said:
Jane said:
Do you mean they are mounting/humping each other? They do that as a sign of dominance to show who is boss, they're not really trying to mate ;)

She is right :)

they all so that to some extent

Agree, it is nothing to worry about, perfectly normal behaviour. How old are they? :)
I have three girl bunnies together and they do it all the time, all to often have i gone out to find one Clover being humped by hazel and Hazel being humped by Bramble.... three-some ^-^
Guinea-Tia-Flossie said:
I have three girl bunnies together and they do it all the time, all to often have i gone out to find one Clover being humped by hazel and Hazel being humped by Bramble.... three-some ^-^

I''m glad they like that sort of action 2funny
Shall i tell you something even more weird.

I once saw one of my girls humping another girl! It was hilarious! She is defo a girl cos i have checked, checked and checked again!
My female dog does it as well, she humps my bfs leg! Its so weird!
Its just a natural way of working out dominance, its not anything to do with being gay. I have a six week old that is trying to hump the older boys that are all about 5 times bigger than he is, he can barely stand on his back legs but he still has a go. He's learnt really quickly off the older boys when they are trying to do it to him, and he is just trying it on.
Angus does it to both Wilson and Poppy ;D hopefully Poppy wont be too influenced by his uncles behaviour ::)
Puggies Rule said:
lol mine were doing it today

ive put Chessy with a couple of girls once and he just sat there all bewildered,I swear he carries a handbag

Like Tinky Winky! You sure he hasn't been watching Tele Tubbies too much? Maybe it is a bad influence after all ;D
lmfao yup totally,i wouldnt show him the Teletubbies,he'd be glued to it ::) ;D
it is funny when little ones do this to bigger pigs but i find the bigger pigs give them a look of back off mate and they learn pretty quick richies trying it on biscuit right now
Yes my 2 boys do it too! I was beginning to worry that one was a girl, my Gizmo follows Jelly around in circles then jumps on his back and does his thing, Jelly even squeaked the other day during, wether it was pleasure or annoyance i don't know!
my two boys do this too. usually one tries it on when the other is completely not in the mood ;D

last time it happened, i was making a video of the boys playing in their run, to send to the lady that gave them to me, so she could see how well they were doing.......lets just say i couldnt send her the video on the end, as what started off as playing, turned into a very excited munchie humping bob!

bob wasnt impressed! wouldnt let munchie sleep in their bed all night ;D
My female guinea pig started doing this today to one of the others (of 3, all female), but she doesn't seem to like it. Do I just let it happen or separate dominate guinea?
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