Oh dear I think I may have upset Betsy!

Poor Betsy! Blodwen and Piggle are very sympathetic but also feeling a bit smug as their bum baths were last weekend :)
Bumblebee says it sounds like her when I take her out of the hutch to put her in the run or vice-versa! She always gives me verbals! Lol! I tell her not to be so cross with me! :))
Still not been forgiven:oops: Even after 2 days and lots of bribes! I eventually managed to pick her up and put her in the run this morning. Usually it is as easy as putting my hand underneath her and picking her up but not today!

Betsy pissed off 1.webpBetsy pissed off 2.webpBetsy pissed off 3.webpBetsy pissed off 4.webpBetsy pissed off 5.webp

Talk about Stink Eye!:yikes::yikes:
Awww bless her, she is soooooo pretty!