Odd Things Cavies Do...

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Forum Donator 2024/25
Aug 2, 2016
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I know us human's can have some odd behaviour and habits but how about your cavies?

One of my girls, Nutmeg has the odd habit of licking the inside of my nostril :blink:
No idea why or if its okay for her to do it but she does it.

So what other odd habits are out there?
I know us human's can have some odd behaviour and habits but how about your cavies?

One of my girls, Nutmeg has the odd habit of licking the inside of my nostril :blink:
No idea why or if its okay for her to do it but she does it.

So what other odd habits are out there?
XD Thats very funny!

I don't have any that have too OTT odd behaviours but Romano (avatar) loves it when I put him in the hallway then place the small pigloo down. He runs over it and spends the whole time walking around with it on his back like a turtle then if he bumps into an obstacle looks all around, judges what the problem was, manouvers it around it then continues on. It's very funny to watch.
Nose kisses are very special, but the first time is a bit nerve wracking!

One of my girls (Violet) is the most vocal and demanding of her veg. Every day she stands at the same place at the bars (on the right). demanding her salad. I put the bowl in the same place every day (to her left) and every day she still has to be shown where it is otherwise she stays at the bars wheeking. You'd think that she would have learned by now!

One of my other girls, Mollie, puts her paws on the empty bowl and guards it. To take it out and re-fill it with veg requires moving her off the bowl -she tries to cling on to it for as long as she can. Silly girl.
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Eddi loves cucumber, but will only eat the skin.
He picks up every piece, somehow manages to bite delicately all the way around the edge removing the skin, and then drops the remaining part.

Ruby turns around and around in the hay box making perfect circles in the hay (the guinea pig version of crop circles I guess).

They are very entertaining little things really.
Eddi loves cucumber, but will only eat the skin.
He picks up every piece, somehow manages to bite delicately all the way around the edge removing the skin, and then drops the remaining part.

Ruby turns around and around in the hay box making perfect circles in the hay (the guinea pig version of crop circles I guess).

They are very entertaining little things really.
LOL finally an answer to crop circles
Archie loves to cuddle me. He cuddles and cuddles for over an hour. I know he is hungry, needs to pee, wants to chomp some hay, and I offer to put him down and hes all NOOOOOO WAIT I CAN LAST ABIT LONGER and nuzzles determinedly. I dont know how he manages to hold on so long, often I cut the cuddle short cause I feel sorry for him needing all that stuff to do.
He certainly does not like cuddling for an hour with anyone else, and often nips after 5 mins to be put back lol.
They all have their little peculiarities! Linney was a food snob... she would eat the parts of the treats that she liked and leave the rest (most notably, she would eat the romaine lettuce leaves but not the stems/stalks!) Hadley likes the TV, no matter what way you turn her on your lap, she will always turn around to stare at the television screen again. Frenzy didn't like men and would freak out if they tried to hold her (the only exception was my son, who doted on her... but he didn't have a 'man voice' since he was only seven or eight when she passed away. My son now has this booming deep voice, it's probably a good thing we had Frenzy when he was a grade-schooler!) Sundae is a worrier... she doesn't like new things in the cage, in the hallway where she has free time, etc. She will hide until the new thing goes away, even if it's meant to be a toy for her to play with!
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