Junior Guinea Pig
Last night Picchu was in for lap time and he peed on his pad and while he was doing it, he made a noise I have never heard before, sort of like a loud strangled squeak. No blood in the pee and it didn't look particularly gritty. I kept him inside until he had another pee and about 20 mins later he did another but didn't make the same noise again, just little chutty squeaks but he pretty much makes noise constantly just going about daily life. His appetite is fine and he is himself in every other way.
Do you think it would be a case of monitoring it to see if it happens again or get him to a vet ASAP? I haven't noticed it happening again since.
Do you think it would be a case of monitoring it to see if it happens again or get him to a vet ASAP? I haven't noticed it happening again since.