Odd Behaviour in Sow

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Sep 29, 2012
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Hiya guys, I'm after some advice here....
I am new to guineas and even after all my research before getting my piggies I'm still not 100% sure on whats what but i have a few problems...

I have adopted a mother(10months) and daughter(5months) and just this last week the mum has been acting really strange,she has been grunting and purring,but more grunting at her daughter and chasing her around the cage alot and she been getting a belly and her nips are very prominant.. could she be pregnant again,i have had them for about just about three weeks now,the former owner has told me that she kept the sows and boars apart but I'm not sure now if she is pregnant cos ive read about the 17 day period and its hard to spot it...so is it to early to take her to the vets for a check up and see if she is pregnant or wait another week or two,oh and she also doesnt really like to be picked up as she runs away but when picked up shes fine and she will relax on your lap but just runs from being picked up...any suggestions or advice as I'm not liking how she treating the little one :(..

Thanks for all the help I'm sure i´ll be getting :)
She could just be in season. Some get larger nipples when in season and the purring ("rumble-strutting" ) is a sign as well as the chasing. I would keep an eye on her if you think she's pregnant. You can always take them both to the vets for a general check up if you are worried.
Running away is normal for guinea pigs, especially in a new environment when they don't know you. They are prey animals so a hand coming towards them can be quite scary. I've had my girls for 3 years and they will still run when I try to pick them up. Try getting her to run into a basket or a cuddle cup etc so you can pick her up in that so she feels more secure.
Hiya guys, I'm after some advice here....
I am new to guineas and even after all my research before getting my piggies I'm still not 100% sure on whats what but i have a few problems...

I have adopted a mother(10months) and daughter(5months) and just this last week the mum has been acting really strange,she has been grunting and purring,but more grunting at her daughter and chasing her around the cage alot and she been getting a belly and her nips are very prominant.. could she be pregnant again,i have had them for about just about three weeks now,the former owner has told me that she kept the sows and boars apart but I'm not sure now if she is pregnant cos ive read about the 17 day period and its hard to spot it...so is it to early to take her to the vets for a check up and see if she is pregnant or wait another week or two,oh and she also doesnt really like to be picked up as she runs away but when picked up shes fine and she will relax on your lap but just runs from being picked up...any suggestions or advice as I'm not liking how she treating the little one :(..

Thanks for all the help I'm sure i´ll be getting :)

Could just be mum is showing her daughter her position as top piggy. Keep a close eye on them both though, as long as little one is submissive, they'll sort it out.
If your girl is already pregnant, you need to be very aware of the extra care she needs during and after pregnancy.

Bit puzzled as to your other threads, you are asking about advice for breeding from your girls :{
because I'm new to guinea pigs and because of what i have read ,i am on here asking questions so i know what to do and what not to do as i am thinking of my guinea´s i dont want to breed them i was just asking questions about breeding the do´s & dont´s and i have decided not to breed for my vets(i say vets but its a vets/petshop)...I'm just on here for the best advice on how to care for my girls and everyone keeps posting me stuff i have read and i didnt think my post were things not to post even though i was just after the right and helpful advice..
@Guinea pig slave..
both my guinea´s are purring alot and the younger to me seems to be submissive she put up a front for a while alot so they run around the cage chasing each other but not in a horrible manner but is that normal and will they calm down?
i think they both on their period cos i have pampered them both and gave them a good brushing and nails clipping and felt that both their bellys are big and i have made sure not to feed them the veggies that make them bloat so what do you think? could they be bloated,their period or preggers but i am gonna take them to the vets this week just to make sure its nothing serious as i am a little worried but i am thinking the lady i got the from might not have told me that they might be pregnant..

any advice or suggestions you have would be much appreciated thank you
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