Odd Behaviour Combinations?!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 13, 2016
Reaction score
East Sussex
So, to put it bluntly, one of my pigs is...let's call him less than gifted? His brother is whip sharp, he learnt how to open doors and the like very quickly, meanwhile Praline genuinely has been startled by his own feet. I wish I was kidding. In itself, his lack of mental prowess is fine, but he doesn't seem to have the first clue what he's doing in pig language either and I was wondering if anyone else has ever had a pig like it?

Essentially, he teams strange things together, seemingly because he doesn't understand how to associate the correct noise with the matching action? For instance, he will rumblestrut and popcorn all at once. He also teeth chatters and popcorns sometimes?! He has been known to roll over on his back and purr...like a cat...

His brother looks at him like he's nuts!

I should add, he's in rude health, the vet has checked him over, says he's perfectly fine physically, but even they noted his strange behaviours, so I was hoping someone else had something similar and could reassure me he's not losing his tiny marbles!
Like humans, piggies come in all shapes and guises. Enjoy Praline as he is; he is unique and endearing. ;)
So funny, my mother has a dog that has been termed as 'special needs' by the vet. He thinks saying hello is literally barrelling into other dogs and licking them all over while holding them down.
After two years of training he knows exactly 2 words.

But he is friendly and gentle, and most importantly....... happy.

Hopefully the same for your little piggy!
Thanks guys, it's nice to know other people have animals on the special spectrum too! The real irony here is that I seem to always choose the slightly dim/special needs ones without realising it. My dog is the same! I will say, though, that Praline is a gentle giant even if there is nothing between his ears! He's a good 150g heavier than his brother, Sundae, who, I might add, is a little BRAT of the highest order, but Praline has never once drawn blood on him. Sundae trolls him for sport and it's still very rare Praline loses his temper, so he's a good...if somewhat missing in the brains department...boy!
My boyfriend and I joke that we should have named our boars Lenny and George. Frodo is just dopey as can be. He's always got this dumb as dirt, confused look on his face. It's really quite endearing but I'm convinced he finds me bothersome. I love special animals.
LOL! One of ours, Frenzy, was endearingly flaky at times... she would do things like getting so excited about treats in the hallway that she would forget where the door was and run in circles looking for it while the other pig (who was probably the smartest one we ever had) would take advantage of her momentary confusion to eat all the treats. She was also the only pig we ever had who refused to learn any sort of cues/commands from the humans (things like, 'no' or 'want a treat?') That said, she was entertaining, friendly, quirky, and we miss her pleasant befuddlement now that she's gone, so I say take him as he is and enjoy his antics, as you likely won't ever meet another character like him in any other piggy!

Incidentally, I see his brother is named Sundae... we had a Sundae too up until recently! My daughter named her because she thought that her color looked like an ice cream with caramel on top and red cherry eyes! :)
My boyfriend and I joke that we should have named our boars Lenny and George. Frodo is just dopey as can be. He's always got this dumb as dirt, confused look on his face. It's really quite endearing but I'm convinced he finds me bothersome. I love special animals.
Your piggies are named after the Lord of the Rings characters? I LOVE it! :yahoo:That's something I've been wanting to do.
He sounds hilarious. My Barley is completely in his own little Barley world, oblivious to his girls running rings around him. He just potters about and sleeps and does the occasional popcorn or ploddy zoomie.
My Chewie rumbles and popcorns at the same time too! Looks ridiculous and a bit uncomfortable!
It's actually rather comforting to know there's a whole world of other pigs out there with thousand yard stares and some deep, probably only meaningful to them combinations of sillyness! LOL

Incidentally, I see his brother is named Sundae... we had a Sundae too up until recently! My daughter named her because she thought that her color looked like an ice cream with caramel on top and red cherry eyes! :)

My Sundae is named for exactly the same reason (barring the eyes)! He's a chocolate and vanilla ice cream bowl with a caramel sauce splodge! :D
Your piggies are named after the [you]Lord of the Rings [/you] characters? I LOVE it! :yahoo:That's something I've been wanting to do.

Hahah yes. We're big LOTR fans. They were originally named Frodo and Hamilton but as I got to know Hamilton, he was clearly a Bilbo. Every time I went to clean his cage, he'd run around wheeking and popcorning. He'd run into my hands and jump on top of his pigloos. He reminded me of how perturbed Bilbo Baggins was when Gandalf and the dwarves visited him. My cleaning habits are suuuch an inconvenience for him lol
My Cissy always popcorns when rumblestrutting, I think she just gets excited that she's the boss :))

My Tonks is a bit socially awkward too, she doesn't understand piggy language and is now at the bottom of the herd. She rumblestruts and popcorns too, everyone just looks at her like she's nuts.
I have this beautiful mental image now of all the slightly awkward pigs out there having a meeting...in which no one can work out the correct behaviour and they just spend their time popcorning about the place rumbling, teeth chattering and generally confusing eachother!
My two are definitely not the brightest bulbs in the box but I'm still not sure I shouldn't rename them Laurel and Hardy. Comet is forever trying to give me heart failure and every time he does something daft I swear Blitzen gets this look on his face like "I'm not with him, I have nothing to do with this." Blitzen however becomes very easily enamoured by his own reflection...which is useful when I have to cut out the hay he's got stuck in his fur again.

They're a ridiculous pair, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
My Jon Snow can learn things, like climbing up steps, and the signal to give me to say he wants to go back to his cage. But, Podrick Payne, oh no. He's our special boy, and hasn't managed to learn anything yet, not even how to use his bed properly.

When my avatar pig was still alive he used to use Podrick has a table and would constantly be standing on him. Whenever they had to have a bath he'd use Podrick as an island to get out of the water. Pod just stood there, gazing off towards Poddy Land.
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