Obsessing over rehoming


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 23, 2018
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hi guys,

I didn't know which area to post this in so I hope it's okay here.

I posted a while ago about feeling unable to cope with my guinea pigs.

Sorry for the sort of repeat thread but I'm desperately struggling and have no one to talk to about this so thought I'd return here.

After my first post, I didn't think i would be able to cope with rehoming any of my boys so thought I'd try to get things together but things aren't really getting better. I'd like to have them in boarding for a bit, but it would be so expensive to board 8 guinea pigs even for short term and I feel it wouldn't be fair on them moving them about, I don't think we have boarding locally anyway.

I desperately love all 8 of my boys and feel devastated at the thought of rehoming them but I don't feel I'm giving them the standard of care they deserve.

I'm constantly going back and forth in my mind about rehoming them but I am beyond worried about their future which is why i always fall on the side of not rehoming.

If I could guarantee they'd get at least the same size enclosures they have now, loads of enrichment, proper care, decent vet care, living indoors, going outdoors in the summer in the daytime but back in at night, preferably on fleece type bedding as this is what they are used to, someone who would love them and protect them and ensure they had happy lives until death I would likely rehome them, or at least probably my younger ones but I don't know how to guarantee that. I'm terrified someone would split them up from their bonded pairs or treat them badly or give them to a snake or forget about them. I don't know if you can tell but I have zero trust in people! If I could see they were okay and happy, maybe keep in touch occasionally it wouldn't be so bad, but that probably wouldn't be the case.

One of my issues is very severe OCD and I obsess constantly about people being okay and get really intrusive thoughts about people not being okay to the extent I can't function. I don't know if I rehomed them how I wouldn't obsess about them not being okay but their needs come above mine. I don't know if anyone can give me any reassurance about the future of adopted guinea pigs? I know the best option is taking them to a rescue but how do rescues ensure they get the best people? Is it even possible to know if they are okay after you give them up? I just want them to be happy and have the best of everything. They really deserve it.

I feel like the worst person in the world but I just don't see things getting better for me and by extension for them. I'm 28 and have had severe mental illness issues, hospitalisations etc for the last 15 years. The more time passes the more I struggle with the illnesses and it is unrealistic to believe that things are going to get better for me. I adore the guinea pigs but often they contribute to me feeling even worse- i love them to bits but I am not the best home anymore which is hard to admit because the only thing I've ever been good at is caring for my animals, but not anymore. I'm still on top of looking after my dog, but the guinea pigs are drowning me. I can't cope with the mess, the hay, and the stress and pressure of them, and 6 out of 8 are long haired which is stressful too. But I love them, which is why this is so hard. They have taken over almost the entirety of my living space, have tonnes of enrichment, haylofts etc but the day to day care is overwhelming me.

The issue I have is knowing that they could end up in a worse situation than they are now, and would anyone even want them anyway? Two of them are quite 'boring' looking and when there's so many guinea pigs looking for homes, why would anyone want mine?

Some have come from horrible situations and I feel terrible about thinking about moving them again because I have always believed and do believe pets are for life, but life isn't turning out how things were 'meant' to. I wish I had friends who could take them on but I don't.

I can't believe I'm in a position where I'm even considering this... I've always adopted animals and have really looked down on people who give up pets so I'm a huge hypocrite here, but they deserve better. If I rehomed the two younger pairs, then I'd maybe be able to cope better with the two older pairs. Or maybe I should rehome them all, but my two oldest are older than 5 and I've had one of those his entire life and am so attached to him in particular.

I also have a dog who I'd never ever rehome, but I don't know if i feel differently about the guinea pigs as I always feel like as long as they've got their friend and everything they need, whoever their person is doesn't matter so much to them. I obsess all the time about my dog and something happening to me before him, but I live with my parents who help me care for him, but asking them to take on the guinea pigs too isn't fair.

I feel so trapped by many things, but by the guinea pigs too which probably isn't the feeling you should have about your pets.

I should never have got 8 guinea pigs... I was down to the last one but he was unhappy when his friend died and it was mid covid lockdown so couldn't go the rescue route to get him a friend. Had some issues with bonding, hence 8! All in happy pairs now.

Anyone who has experience of adopting a guinea pig, giving up guinea pigs or running a rescue or being involved in a rescue I'd really appreciate your thoughts.

I'm sorry for such a long post and a repeat post, but things are really messy in my head and I could really do with hearing some voices of reason!

Thank you!
Oh please don’t apologise for coming on the forum, there is alway someone to talk to and share your worries on here.
I’m so sorry you feel totally overwhelmed and are suffering OCD. Do you think you could possibly surrender a few pairs to a good rescue and perhaps just keep one or two pairs? Would that help you or maybe just keep on pair? Either way a good rescue will find a kind and loving home, they vet everyone who applies for rescue piggies, they usually have a wait which stops impulsive buying where parents have given into children at the drop of a hat. Homes, cages and knowledge is vetted and you generally find rescued piggies go to experience owners like many on this forum. I have adopted all four of my piggies and love them to bits
Hope you feel that this may offer a good solution and help you feel better x
Thank you so much Bill & Ted, you always seem so kind.
I really appreciate your kind words.
The OCD is unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg but when it comes to the guinea pigs that's the thing that gets most affected by them.
I think it would help to give up at least two pairs, it is just so hard as I love them to bits but it helps reading that they are likely to go to experienced owners... if they could all go to people like forum members it would be much better!
Regarding rescues, another thought has just popped into my head... do unwanted guinea pigs get euthanised? I couldn't put them into a situation where that could be the case.

Thank you again!
Thank you so much Bill & Ted, you always seem so kind.
I really appreciate your kind words.
The OCD is unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg but when it comes to the guinea pigs that's the thing that gets most affected by them.
I think it would help to give up at least two pairs, it is just so hard as I love them to bits but it helps reading that they are likely to go to experienced owners... if they could all go to people like forum members it would be much better!
Regarding rescues, another thought has just popped into my head... do unwanted guinea pigs get euthanised? I couldn't put them into a situation where that could be the case.

Thank you again!
No all the recommended rescues on the forum list and many others off the list never euthanise a healthy piggie. Only healthy piggies generally get rehomed and very old or poorly piggies stay as long term residents where they get the proper vet care and a “home for life. My local rescue has quite a few long term poorly piggies that are either fostered out with experienced GP owners and stay at the rescue in lovely big cages, Their bonded partner stays too or if single is bonded with a little friend. If you ask on here many, many of the forum members help rescues in one way or another, some volunteer, some help with fund raising (like me) and many have adopted piggies, I’m sure they would find a lovely homes, the rescues won’t let them go to nowhere but the best x
I am so sorry that you are having a tough time and are thinking of rehoming some of your piggies. I don’t know of any of the rescues on the locator who would split a bonded pair or euthanise a healthy piggy. And if you check, the approved rescues will have very strict rehoming criteria so your piggies would go to appropriate homes with decent accommodation etc. The key is to use the recommended rescues as we know that they meet our criteria.
Just catching up and spotted this thread.
I amd so sorry that you’re in such a difficult situation.
I can only repeat what has already been said.
I will be holding you in my heart ♥️
Thank you all so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all and your knowledge and above all kindness.

Unfortunately tonight my youngest guinea pig has taken a turn for the worst. He's only just a year old but has had recurrent respiratory tract infections for a long time. We have been so much to the vet and he's been having nebuliser treatments, antibiotics of every description, xrays etc and he seemed better, was breathing well and was fine in himself. Tonight his breathing has deteriorated and his eyes have sunken and he won't eat or accept any critical care syringe feeding. I've had four guinea pigs die in the past and his eyes have gone exactly how their eyes went before they died. I will phone the vet first thing if he makes it through the night but I don't think that there is anything left that can be done for him, I don't understand why he's turned like this when he has been doing great since Christmas but it always seems to be the way that they turn all of a sudden.

If he dies I will have to rehome his friend without question as Pablo doesn't like anyone else (and is the reason I have so many guinea pigs in the first place) so if I have to rehome Pablo (I think he'd do better neutered and living with girls if his friend dies) then I will probably give up the other younger pair at least as well. I think this will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I need to do right by them.

Thank you again for all your help.
I’m so sorry for you, I hope he pulls through, piggies manage to hide their illnesses so well. x
Hi guys, sorry to bother you all again.

We had two more vet appointments over the weekend and today and Pedro seemed to be perking up a bit. He's been on antibiotics and nebuliser treatments and things for months but suddenly deteriorated and I made the very difficult decision to have him put down today. I feel horribly guilty but he quite evidently wasn't going to recover and he was starting to suffer.

I'm very sad but the agonising over rehoming decision has been taken out of my hands regarding Pablo- there is no way I will keep him alone. I'm still agonising over my other young guinea pigs but need to contact someone as soon as possible about Pablo given he is now alone.

I've been looking up guinea pig rescues and although there aren't recommended ones close to us Doncaster isn't too far away. Does anyone have any experience of Cavy Corner?

I'm so sorry for being such a pain and continuing to post and ask questions. This is by far the most difficult decision of my life and I'm desperate to do the best I can by him, but I'm aware I'm quite annoying.

Pablo doesn't like most male guinea pigs and I'm sure he will need to be neutered (which I'm happy to pay for) and have girlfriends but he also hates being handled... he's very fiesty and does need an experienced home... he's not children's pet material. He's an alpaca cross apparently and very beautiful so I really hope someone would want to adopt him and appreciate him for all his sassy fabulousness. He's also a chirper, I've never met one before. He's had a rough time and really deserves stability and happiness.
Hi guys, sorry to bother you all again.

We had two more vet appointments over the weekend and today and Pedro seemed to be perking up a bit. He's been on antibiotics and nebuliser treatments and things for months but suddenly deteriorated and I made the very difficult decision to have him put down today. I feel horribly guilty but he quite evidently wasn't going to recover and he was starting to suffer.

I'm very sad but the agonising over rehoming decision has been taken out of my hands regarding Pablo- there is no way I will keep him alone. I'm still agonising over my other young guinea pigs but need to contact someone as soon as possible about Pablo given he is now alone.

I've been looking up guinea pig rescues and although there aren't recommended ones close to us Doncaster isn't too far away. Does anyone have any experience of Cavy Corner?

I'm so sorry for being such a pain and continuing to post and ask questions. This is by far the most difficult decision of my life and I'm desperate to do the best I can by him, but I'm aware I'm quite annoying.

Pablo doesn't like most male guinea pigs and I'm sure he will need to be neutered (which I'm happy to pay for) and have girlfriends but he also hates being handled... he's very fiesty and does need an experienced home... he's not children's pet material. He's an alpaca cross apparently and very beautiful so I really hope someone would want to adopt him and appreciate him for all his sassy fabulousness. He's also a chirper, I've never met one before. He's had a rough time and really deserves stability and happiness.
I think you really are making the hardest but kindest decision for Pablo.
I know Cavy Corner are on our recommended rescue list and several members on here have pigs from there.
I think he would be in excellent hands if they were to take him in, and offering to pay to have him neutered is very kind.
Please don’t think for a moment that you’re bothering anyone or ‘being a pain’ or ‘annoying’. You are most certainly not and I’m so sorry for everything you are going through. I’m sure experienced and knowledgeable members will be along soon to advise on rescues. I just wanted to extend a virtual hug.
You are not annoying or a pain. I’m so sorry you have lost Pedro. You are making the kindest decision for Pablo. I hope you find him a place at a rescue soon. ❤️
I simply echo what has been said already.
You are showing courage and kindness in making a difficult decision.
You are never a pain.
The forum is here to support everyone who needs, whenever needed.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
I’m so sorry Pedro, sending big hugs, he was very loved and he will have known just how much you cared x
Please don’t ever think you are a pain or feel uncomfortable coming on here, we are all supportive of each other through ups and downs and there’s always someone here for you to talk to. Cavy Corner is a lovely rescue, do get in touch via email and explain you have a bereaved boar and you need to find out about surrendering some of your piggies due to health Issues, I’m sure they will be very supportive x
Thank you all so much, you are all the best people and so much appreciated. I wanted to let you know I've been in contact with Sue at Cavy Corner and have spoken on the phone this morning. She was so kind and sounds absolutely perfect. We are taking Pablo to Cavy Corner on Sunday so he can start his new adventures and I'm going to pay for him to be neutered so he can get a girlfriend or two. He's already struggling without Pedro even though he has neighbours. Things might be easier for me with three enclosures instead of 4 (and my other other boar pair will be able to have the entirety of the 5x4 C&C plus hayloft since Pablo is going so things might start getting a little easier but if not I think Sue would help me in the future (I think there may be a waiting list as they are really busy but I've taken in so much information this morning I'm not entirely sure!)
So grateful to all of you and Sue and Cavy Corner. I'm sad as will miss Pablo but above all relieved that he's going off to an exciting new future and hopefully he'll be very happy in the end.
Just catching up with this thread @SusieW. So sorry you're finding life difficult. So sorry you lost Pedro. You're making a very brave and courageous decision in rehoming Pablo. I can assure you he will go to the very best home. I adopted a piggie around 18 months ago from a recommended rescue on here. Before I could adopt, I had to send photos of my set up to the rescue and I had a half hour grilling over the phone to make sure I was a suitable candidate for adopting one of their piggies. I passed the test and Pretty Patsy came home with me. The rescue bonded her with my now Rainbow Bridge piggy Christian and Meg. Pretty Patsy had a lovely 13 months living out her retirement and being thoroughly spoilt in the Penthouse Suite in the garage before toddling off to the Rainbow Bridge.
That’s super news, Pablo will start his new adventure, bet he’ll have a new friend in north time and I hope life gets easier for you too x
Thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate all your replies. @Betsy thank you so much for telling me your story, it makes me feel so much better reading that. I'm so glad you were able to give Pretty Patsy a happy ending.
I'm trying to think of it as just being that his future isn't meant to be with me, I'm sure he will find who he is meant to be with, both human and guinea pig wise. It definitely feels like a bereavement, worse than when they die in a way because of the uncertainty of it and it being my choice, but I know it is the right thing to do and how cruel and selfish it would be to keep him alone, especially when I'm struggling. I'm trying to make sure I keep reminding myself to be excited for him, after the neutering bit and the scary bit of being somewhere new, things will be much better for him I'm sure.
Thank you all so much. This is Pablo. He's very handsome and has orange highlights in his hair near his bum!


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Aw he is beautiful, I’m sure he will be cherished 💙
All of my piggies are rescues, one who was destined for live snake food, one dumped in a hedge, two brought into a rescue from a hoarding situation of 60 piggies! They are loved and spoilt to bits. I’m sure Pablo will find a lovely new home with a friend very soon x
Something I've always told my kids is, if you love someone (or a beloved furry family member), you've gotta do what's best for them, even if it breaks your heart. I think you are a wonderful person for knowing your capabilities and limits, admitting them and asking for help. You are doing the responsible thing, trying to make sure they have a wonderful rest of their lives, by reaching out