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Oak Leaf


New Born Pup
Nov 25, 2023
Reaction score
Hello, I'm very scared because my guinea pig was out playing and she ate a dry old oak leaf someone must have dragged in on their shoes and they are poison idk what to do, she is acting fine but I'm scared. Shes a big boned 1 and a half year old girl.
Guinea pigs tend to hide it when something is wrong, so a good way to tell if she is still healthy is to weigh her. If she has lost weight, something is wrong.
If you are really concerned, it never hurts to take her to the vets.
Hopefully she's fine. 🤞
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m sure your piggy will be ok.
Hello, I'm very scared because my guinea pig was out playing and she ate a dry old oak leaf someone must have dragged in on their shoes and they are poison idk what to do, she is acting fine but I'm scared. Shes a big boned 1 and a half year old girl.

Hi and welcome

Please stop worrying. A single leaf won't do any harm. Piggies need to eat a lot more of it or eat it daily before it becomes a problem. :)

Oak is not one of the few plants that are so highly toxic that only a very little is enough to kill. Foxglove is by far the deadliest garden plant in that respect. Even buttercups they need to eat more of than just one leaf. :tu:

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