Nutrition requirements for guinea pig help?


New Born Pup
Jun 26, 2021
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I can't seem to find anywhere the nutrition requirement for guinea pigs, particularly for crude protein and fiber requirements, i know fat requirements is around 1-2% according to a research paper i have read and on this site.
As far as I know they don’t need protein. When looking for pellets, you need a grass based pellet which preferably doesn’t contain alfalfa/lucerne. Some do have fillers which aren’t needed in a guinea pig’s diet. Bear in mind pellets are the smallest part of their diet and are limited to a tablespoon a day for each guinea pig. Hay, hay and more hay is the most important. It makes up the majority of their diet and also helps wear their teeth down. It’s also a good source of vitamin c. A variety of veg is also good but is more of a snack.
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
thanks for your advice but i think every animal needs protein,its just a matter of how much which i do not know
Do you know what veg contain protein that they can eat?
I have this saved if its any use, it was from either a book or a paper..I cant remember now. Protein is important for their muscles and cell regeneration. It'll be found in grass and hay they eat mostly.
This is for growth however, not maintenance, so the amount an adult would need who is no longer growing would likely be lower (at least for protein, their fibre needs remain the same throughout their lives as far as I'm aware)

Ooh, it’s interesting that grass contains protein! You learn something new every day. So there must be protein in veg as well then.

PS forgive my ignorance on the minutiae of their dietary needs.
Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading there is a list here. Although I think you could google up those food in the questionable part as some of them are very nutritional, just that certain nutrition might be out of balance for a guinea pig so you have to feed in moderation.

I know for hamster wise, wheat and oat brans are very nutritional and good for altering the guaranteed analysis to the optimal amount in hamster mix and apparently from what i googled, guinea pig can eat them too.
thanks for the picture, but isn't the fats too little? the forum recommend 1-2% fat and 1-4 grams of fats in 1 kg of diet is about 0.1-0.4% fats only