Nurses Working 12 Hour Shifts With A Guinea Pig?


New Born Pup
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice!
I rescued a couple piggies at the start of January this year and have fallen in love with them!
I have recently just qualified as a nurse and am working 12 hour shifts... right now I currently live with my parents but in the near future I am hoping to move out and get my own place. So right now my piggies have someone there from 3pm onwards. However I am worrying about if I still have my pigs by the time I move out, will they be able to cope with my long shifts? Their cage is relatively big (has a top floor too!) And I give them enough hay, fresh water and pellets for all day until I get home at night. When I get home they are fed first before I do anything and let them out in their pen to run for an hr or so.
On my days off I spend a lot of time with them and give them plenty kisses.

So my question is... is it doable?

Going to tag @MerryPip into this one as her OH works at a hospital on shifts
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Firstly - Congratulations on qualifying :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

It's a good compromise having a nice big cage for them :)

Yes - it's doo able.

I sometimes have to work long days . I have 2 water bottles in their hutches - just to make sure they don't run out -and always make sure they have plenty of hay .
Id say it's absolutely doable. When I was at college I left at 6:30am and got home just before 7pm, I had 16 piggies at the time and was the only one caring for them, they did great :) pile in the hay, extra water bottles etc and they'll be fine.
Thanks for the well wishes!

Oh that's a relief! I was working core hrs but my work takes me about 45 mins to get there sometimes it was too much! So that's why I was changed onto longer shifts! So 1 week out of the month I am working 4 12.5 hr shifts and 3 weeks of 3(working full time) and is that still ok? I don't care about me, just my animals :)

Thanks for your help!
My piggies definitely offer me some stress relief when I get some cuddles!
Well done for qualifying!
At least if its 12 hour shifts you will have plenty days off!
I used to do the same but I did have hubby to help but I'm sure your piggies will soon adjust to you routine.
As you've already said they do give us stress relief!
Enjoy your new post!
Definitely doable. This is part of the reason it's good to have at least a pair of pigs! They will be company for each other when you are working, and they will definitely be happy to see you come home when your shift is over! :)
Congratulations on qualifying! Your piggies will be fine! As the others have said, pile in the hay and make sure they have plenty of water. If you're worried about them being bored and needing stimulation you could always change the cage layout and put in different hideys every couple of days.
The only time I can see it being an issue is if they are ill and need syringe feeding and medicating. This is what is stopping me from getting any more after losing my boys earlier this year. If you've got someone who would be able to do this for you then it should be fine.
I would have someone who would manage should they require any syringe feeding or medicating :)

Thanks for the reassurance!
Totally doable. Ours are very used to a varied schedule of food and cleaning depending on my OHs shifts and my job.

If they have each other for company and plenty of hay, food and water it's fine. The only difficulty is when you've got ill ones and need meds or syringe feeds as others have said but we've managed that too even if it needs an odd vets admission for supportive care if we aren't around regularly.

Well done and enjoy!
We also pre cut veggies and keep them in clippy plastic boxes per meal ready in the fridge so it saves time. We can do 3-4 days at a time and they stay fresh. Then you can just get them out and tip them in when you get in or before you head out :)
Congratulations on qualifying.

Although you have just made me realize that working 12 hour shifts is not the norm. Although completely natural to me I find it strange now to think of people out there NOT doing so many hours a day :yikes::D