Nueter or not? HELP!

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The two boars that I rescued (Dave and Alex) have been fighting. I think they were doing it before they came to me, because Dave had a lot of scratches. They are doing it loads more now, I think its because they can smell my other boar and his 4 girlfriends.

I have tried putting them back together gradually (using the advice on barmy4boars), but they are not getting any better, only worse! They will even attack each other on my lap! Dave now has a very very sore lip.

They are separated now, but both look sad and lonely!

The Vet where I have been doing work experience said he will nueter them for me, at a reduced rate, if I wish. I feel confident in letting him do it because he knows a lot about piggies, and has done the operation lots of times.

If I nueter them both, will it change their behaviour? Will they be less likely to attack each other? Would it make it easier to put them back together? Or would the best option be to pair them up with a sow each? Damon has 4 sows living with him, so it wouldn't mean taking on any more pigs. Or, would it not be sensible to take any of Damon's girls away now?

Sorry about all the questions! This pair are stressing me out and making me feel bad!
As I understand it, neutering them will not change their behaviour, it will just mean that they can safely have sow companions. There are risks to neutering, but since they are already fighting, this is also a risk to be taken into consideration. I have just had a boar neutered as he was fighting with his boar cage mate, and he is now awaiting the sow of his dreams.

There are no easy answers, but I hope this is some help.
Castrations don't change behaviour enough for them to live together better.

By taking away Damons sows there may be some rearranging of who's top sow but if there are real probs you have scope for rearranging again!

You need to make sure the scratches aren't infected in case infection goes to the site of the op and causes more abscesses.

I think you need to make a decision now, either castrate or bond with another boar and bear in mind they may fall out (which is fine if you can cater for that :) ).

Mr Melt was castrated earlier this wheek and is looking forward to a spot of speed dating :)
I have the space and cages for them to live seperately, but don't want them to get lonely. How happy are lone boars? I suppose it depends on the boar, but are they likely to become quite depressed? One of them barely moves from his igloo now he's alone. :(

How can I keep scratches clean? I have bathed them in clean water.

I wont be able to do the ops for a few weeks anyway, because of my financial situation, so the scratches (they are only small) will have healed, hopefully.
Bathe the scratches in mild solution of salt and water. Once healed, you can think about neutering them. As has been said, this will not make a difference in their behaviour towards eachother, they will still fight.
You could try taking one of your 4 sows out for each once neutered (dont put them together for at least 3 weeks). You know your piggies personality best, choose the sow most matched to your boars personality :)
Thanx for the tips about keeping scratches clean.

If I do decide to nueter them, it wont be for a few weeks, after pay day.

Is Damon likely to react if I take two of his sows away? Or will the girls react to being seperated?

Damon and his 4 girls are a happy unit, and I don't want to upset that if possible.
If you want to leave that unit be, how about getting them a new girlfriend each? Once neutered, you could take them along to a rescue to choose their perfect girlfriend :)
Because I currently have 7 GP's in my bedroom, and my landlord thinks I have 4! Not sure how he would react if he found out I had 9!

If I had my own place, that would have been the first solution I came up with!

I only took these 2 boys in because they were in desperate need of rehoming, and I planned to find them a forever home with somebody else, but when they started fighting, I decided it probably wasnt best to rehome them.

I would still consider rehoming them, if somebody had a lonely sow and wanted a companion for them. I am happy to nueter them, and cover the cost, if it means they will be happy and not lonely, even if that isnt with me.
Fighting isn't a reason to keep them really, I'd have loads here if that was the case :) I see where you're coming from though. My boys get very upset if I take a sow out of the group and start looking for her. That said they would get over it I'm sure.

I meant if you bonded them with other boars then had to split one or both would you have room to do so?

I leave my boars for 2 wheeks before putting them with sows and have no probs :)
I have no room for anymore splitting!

I have a large pen on the floor with Damon and his 4 girlies in, and 2 small cages (like nero 4's) on top of each other with the separated Alex and Dave in.

If I get more boars to bond with them, then have to split them, I won't have room!

I am very worried Damon and the girls will miss any girls I take out. They are a close bunch!

Ideally, I'd like to resolve this without taking on anymore piggies.

I know fighting isnt a reason not to rehome, but I was hoping they'd settle and re-bond, so that they could be rehomed together. Obviously, this didnt go as planned!

I really don't know what to do! :'(
Damonshumanslave said:
I have no room for anymore splitting!

I have a large pen on the floor with Damon and his 4 girlies in, and 2 small cages (like nero 4's) on top of each other with the separated Alex and Dave in.

If I get more boars to bond with them, then have to split them, I won't have room!

I am very worried Damon and the girls will miss any girls I take out. They are a close bunch!

Ideally, I'd like to resolve this without taking on anymore piggies.

I know fighting isnt a reason not to rehome, but I was hoping they'd settle and re-bond, so that they could be rehomed together. Obviously, this didnt go as planned!

I really don't know what to do! :'(

These are my thoughts
Have them neutered & rehome separately to live with sows
OR keep them with you but living separate
OR keep them separate & rehome them separately to hopefully bond with another lonely boar
Both of them seem quite dominant, and I think they both want to be in charge, so I think I'll go for the first one. I don't think either of them would accept another boar without a LOT of patience. I'll have them nuetered (in a few weeks when I have some money), keep them here while they heal and recover, and then rehome them to go with sows.

How long must they be on their own after the op? I heard it's 4 weeks.

I have decided I don't want to put my sows with them, as I don't want to seperate them from Damon or each other. They are all too happy together.
The main reason for Boars to fight is if they can smell females. Is there any way you could move the females into a different room as I think that would stop the fighting?
Damonshumanslave said:
Both of them seem quite dominant, and I think they both want to be in charge, so I think I'll go for the first one. I don't think either of them would accept another boar without a LOT of patience. I'll have them nuetered (in a few weeks when I have some money), keep them here while they heal and recover, and then rehome them to go with sows.

How long must they be on their own after the op? I heard it's 4 weeks.

I have decided I don't want to put my sows with them, as I don't want to seperate them from Damon or each other. They are all too happy together.

Good luck O0
Sorry, havent been on this thread in ages!

Update: Dave has gone to my Mum's house to live with a lone baby boar, and is really really happy! Alex is being nuetered on wednesday, and then when he's healed he's going to a lovely new home to be with his new girlfriend!

I feel so relieved that it is all sorted! Just got to worry about Alex and his op, but fingers crossed he'll be fine. I've got a good vet!
Damonshumanslave said:
Sorry, havent been on this thread in ages!

Update: Dave has gone to my Mum's house to live with a lone baby boar, and is really really happy! Alex is being nuetered on wednesday, and then when he's healed he's going to a lovely new home to be with his new girlfriend!

I feel so relieved that it is all sorted! Just got to worry about Alex and his op, but fingers crossed he'll be fine. I've got a good vet!

fingers and paws crossed for Alex :smitten: and Dave has a lovely new home too ....and you still get to see him, can't be bad :smitten:
thats good news, its must have been hard making some of those decisions O0
Damonshumanslave said:
Sorry, havent been on this thread in ages!

Update: Dave has gone to my Mum's house to live with a lone baby boar, and is really really happy! Alex is being nuetered on wednesday, and then when he's healed he's going to a lovely new home to be with his new girlfriend!

I feel so relieved that it is all sorted! Just got to worry about Alex and his op, but fingers crossed he'll be fine. I've got a good vet!

Brilliant news for Dave O0 & good luck for Alex with his op, am sure all will be fine :)
Just bought Alex home from the vet! He's fine! Bless him. :smitten:
TBH I would rehome one boar, then neuter and girlfriend for the other...

Very easily people get into silly situations over guineas with falling out, buying more, they fall out etc etc etc

Esp with your situation with the landlord....

If it were me, Id probably rehome both, as you shouldnt put yourself in the position where you challenge yours and the animals home...

We ask for written permission from the landlord if the person rents for this reason.

I def def would not up your numbers, as I think that would be silly :) O0

Ive just read the whole thread, ( I should do it more often) and WELL DONE! You did exactly the right thing, I hope the piggies will be happy, and you too because you made the choice that was best for them! :smitten: :smitten:
Lol PP, i do that too, dive in without reading the whole thread!

I'm glad you think I did the right thing, I do too. I've been so worried about it all, but its all worked out perfectly so far!

Dave is so happy with his baby boar friend (called James) at my mums house, and Alex seems really well, and I know he'll be happy in his new home.

They are both such sweet piggies, and even though I thought I'd bitten off more than I could chew for a while, I'm pleased with myself for fostering them and taking care of them. They will both have a much better future now!

Thankyou jnenbnb!
Without you they wouldnt have all the oppertunities for a fantastic life!

You basically did what a rescue does - Evaluated their little personalities, and helped them in every way possible to go on to the right homes :smitten:
Wow, I'm so proud of myself! ;D

If I had my own place, and some funds, I'd open a rescue! I have been trying to find a guinea pig rescue to volunteer at, so I can do my bit to help, but I cant find any near me. :(
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