Now I Need Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 28, 2017
Reaction score
after just giving some advice on 2 boars having a tiff and saying to ride it out, I've just gone to say goodnight to my boys and turn the light off.

They were making loud happy squeaks and running around popcorning and I noticed they had munched loads of their new hay I got them today (clearly loving it!) I was topping it up and I noticed Rolo has blood on his ear!

I know the rule is, don't separate unless there is blood. Does it count on the ear as I know their ears are really thin?

They seemed fine...infact happy, when I was just in there. Are they ok together for the night?

I'm just going to try and get a pic...
I know it's late on a Sunday night so I'm not surprised I don't have an answer yet. I saw some drops of blood on one of the food bowls so it looks like the situation could have been over some celery!

Ive had them both out and checked them over, and other than the ear, all else is good.

I hope I've done the right thing, but I've put them back together for the night.

Fingers crossed all is well in the morning x
Could it have been rough play that caused it and not a fight? I'd bathe the ear and see how you go. If my boys are potentially gonna argue I put lots more hay in the cage which makes a good distraction.
Best of luck!
For what it's worth (a bit late really) I think you did the right thing.
If they had been fighting 'properly' you would know about it - thy certainly wouldn't be happily pop-corning around.
You know your own pigs best, but f they seem comfortable with each other then chances are it is just a misplaced nip as opposed to a full on fight.
I also wanted to add that I tend to scatter feed everything (veg and pellets), so they aren't on top of each other when they are eating.
For what it's worth (a bit late really) I think you did the right thing.
If they had been fighting 'properly' you would know about it - thy certainly wouldn't be happily pop-corning around.
You know your own pigs best, but f they seem comfortable with each other then chances are it is just a misplaced nip as opposed to a full on fight.
I also wanted to add that I tend to scatter feed everything (veg and pellets), so they aren't on top of each other when they are eating.

If there's no sign they've been fighting, aside from the bloody ear, I'd let them be, especially since it may not have been from a fight at all, just a squabble...and squabbles are common. I'd just check them both over, just in case, couldn't hurt to be certain. But if you can't find anything else, I'd say they're good for now.
Blood drawn doesn't always require separation. GPM's Billy had an abscess that we can only assume was from a bite from his partner Chick Chick. There were two telltale teeth marks in the middle of the abscess lump. Billy cannot control his emotions when Chick Chick is in season so incurs her wrath, his own fault.
So I think you did the right thing by not keeping them seperated. A nip on a thin fragile ear is very likely to cause bleeding.
I think you did the right thing if they are happy together. Could he have caught the ear on something? Just looking at my cages across the room, I've got a log tunnel that looks like it might be a bit rough where it's been chewed, will make sure it's safe!
I think you're right to leave them be. I came home to what looked like a bite mark on Chicco's face, after he and Groucho had had a couple of days of more serious than usual bickering. They've never had a major fall out since, and sore-faced Chicco is now boss pig.
Thankyou everyone for your reassurance. They were both happy this morning and we got them out about an hour ago and Dance also has a nick on his ear that i didn't notice last night, but all in all, they are fine and quite happy together popcorning about so I'm glad I didn't split.

I'm now on a serious splurge buying all the needed bits for the much bigger cage so they have plenty of space, which I know will help them.

don't know where I would be without this forum, I learn so much every day and it's great to have support.

Although my son told me I'm obsessed with TGPF :agr:
Although my son told me I'm obsessed with TGPF :agr:[/QUOTE]

You are not the only one, you are in very good company. :))
Oh bless, nipping at ears is part of the dominance thing and I have had one piggy with a tiny scab on the ear before where its obviously been a bit overzealous. I think you would definitely know to it if there was an argument between them
I would continue with the bonding session, but with extra vigilance,
I don't beleve they get a taste for blood as some animals do, but top incisors
Are a formidable weapon !

I had two boars that had been bonded for several years,
One night l witnessed one of them simply yarning , showing his frount uppers to
There full
The other boar inteperated it as a prelude to an attack and took avasive action , sinking his incisors deep into the top of the yawning pigs eye socket!

It was bleeding that badly that l couldn't even get him to the emergency vet!
All l could do was to spend all night with my finger over the wound !
By morning it had stoped and vet gave the eye the all clear!

I then put him back with his partner and they continued to have a strong bond
Oh my goodness! I often wondered how they know the difference between a tired-yawn and a threat-yawn, because I couldn't tell the difference other than behaviour. Clearly....they don't!
I would continue with the bonding session, but with extra vigilance,
I don't beleve they get a taste for blood as some animals do, but top incisors
Are a formidable weapon !

I had two boars that had been bonded for several years,
One night l witnessed one of them simply yarning , showing his frount uppers to
There full
The other boar inteperated it as a prelude to an attack and took avasive action , sinking his incisors deep into the top of the yawning pigs eye socket!

It was bleeding that badly that l couldn't even get him to the emergency vet!
All l could do was to spend all night with my finger over the wound !
By morning it had stoped and vet gave the eye the all clear!

I then put him back with his partner and they continued to have a strong bond
wow this is interesting! I have seen the yawn a couple of time, and just thought it was a cute tired yawn. I'll keep a closer eye now i know, thankyou