Not wicking


New Born Pup
Jul 3, 2021
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I am new to using fleece bedding. I have made liners for both my friend and myself. I have gotten some to wick but after 10+ washes hers will not wick and one of mine that was wicked, is no longer absorbing any water. I am down to one liner for their cage and am at a loss. I sewed them prior to wicking them.
2. U haul
3. Waterproof layer
4. Fleece
I have used vinegar and all detergent, on hot water and I let them air dry when I want to test them.
Should I wick them before sewing? Or does anybody have any ideas?
thank you 🙂
Don't stress.
Liners often don't seem to rapidly absorb large amounts of water when tested, but will work just fine with small and frequent amounts of guinea pig pee.
Just put them in cage and see what happens - if there aren't puddles on top then they are working fine.
My friend tried one of hers in the cage but it unfortunately did not absorb their pee, we checked it out and they had wet feet and we saw puddles.
I'm so sorry for all these problems you are having. I unfortunately don't have any experience with the u-haul blankets so the only thing I can suggest is to perhaps unpick one of the liners that is washed and ready to go... then you will be able to examine and test the layers separately: perhaps the fleece wicks well with newspaper or puppy pads underneath or perhaps the pee/water just pools on top OR perhaps the u-haul is properly dried and absorbs or perhaps it has stayed wet or doesn't absorb as well as it should etc etc. By testing each layer you will hopefully be able to pinpoint your problem x
I think you are best to put something underneath like newspaper or an old towel that can wick and absorb any moisture. Not all fleeces wick moisture. Double side fleece, some cuddle type that are very stretchy and fur type fleece definitely doesn’t. I make my own liners and always use standard anti pil fleece (looks similar to felt with little pile) then a good thick layer of polyester wadding. I always put a layer of newspaper underneath the liner, it absorbs any moisture and leaves the fleece nice and dry. I am not a big fan of waterproof bases that you can buy in liners also, they trap all the moisture.
I’ve sadly bought some fleece in the past that simply wouldn’t wick, no matter what I tried. I think it was a particular type of fleece. I’m not familiar with Uhaul, I am afraid.
I don’t use liners. I just use fleece (with bath mats on top in high traffic areas) and puppy pads underneath. It works well enough for me,
Hello everybody! I got them to wick, finally! Now I haven’t had any trouble :)
Thank you so much