...If I want to get Wilson neautered....
I really dont want to lose him! He means so much to me Mum says that this vet is VERY experienced but that doesnt mean she doesnt make mistakes
What do you guys think? Should I do it? am I being too protective?
Or should I not risk it...
I really want Him and Cindy to be together again... theyre so happy together! I really believe theyre meant to be together... grr... I dont know what to do...
It wont be for another few months because I need to save... It just popped into my head again
Thanks everyone!
I really dont want to lose him! He means so much to me Mum says that this vet is VERY experienced but that doesnt mean she doesnt make mistakes
What do you guys think? Should I do it? am I being too protective?
Or should I not risk it...
I really want Him and Cindy to be together again... theyre so happy together! I really believe theyre meant to be together... grr... I dont know what to do...
It wont be for another few months because I need to save... It just popped into my head again
Thanks everyone!