Here is a one person method:
I use a combination of piggy whispering (asserting my authority first by fondly her ears quite firmly, giving plenty of kisses, praise and fuss afterwards) and a hold in which I can control my piggy with one hand (especially the head) and my upper body so that I have the other hand free for the syringe.
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips
I control the piggy's head with index and thumb, and the upper body with the rest of my hand, making sure that the front feet have no purchase and then get the syringe in from the side in the gap between front and back teeth, making sure to go in far enough so the baytril cannot be spit out again.
Then I follow it up with some syringed water to wash the taste off and a herb or fresh grass treat back in the back with plenty of fuss and praise to encourage cooperative behaviour.
You can also use the same amount of ribena as the antibiotic afterwards or offer some cucumber. What I would not recommend is to mix baytril and ribena - it means that you have to get double the amount in.
The trick is being as quick and firm as possible; you can't be doting mummy when you have get life-saving foul tasting meds or syringe feed in - you have to be top sow that says what goes.
You can be doting mummy as much as you like afterwards but when the shots are called, it has to be very clear in piggy terms who's boss for more compliance and less wiggling.
Wrapping hasn't worked for me; most piggies wiggle out before I can get going.
There is no nice way of getting baytril in because it is about the most foul tasting thing imaginable (please do not try to taste it yourself; it can make you very ill).
Please NEVER put any medication into water. Guinea pigs have about double the number of tastebuds to humans and around 5 times those of cats. You may need to wash out your water bottle thoroughly and brace yourself that she won't use it for quite a while.