Junior Guinea Pig
Betty was taken to the vets yesterday as her breathing was really crackly. The vet examined her and said her heart and lungs sounded normal but her upper respiratory noises were definitely abnormal. She also felt a lump under her chin in her neck. She said could be many things including thyroid issues. The lump is likely causing the breathing noises.
She said we can either try anti inflammatory medication to see if that reduces it or we could choose to sedate and have the lump sampled. We chose to try to the anti inflammatory first to see if that improves the lump before putting her through sedation etc but I’m really not sure if we’ve done the right thing

She said we can either try anti inflammatory medication to see if that reduces it or we could choose to sedate and have the lump sampled. We chose to try to the anti inflammatory first to see if that improves the lump before putting her through sedation etc but I’m really not sure if we’ve done the right thing