Not Sure What To Do!

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New Born Pup
Jul 20, 2016
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
So long story short, I rescued a 1.5yo MaleGuinea pig at Christmas named Ziggy. Such a sweet little guy, I love him! Well, about 2 months ago we rescued a 9mo male Guinea pig, Gizmo. This GP was by himself as well. He had the run Of his house. Did not have a cage, etc. Things changed a bit when he came here. We have cats so a cage is a must. When introducing the 2 GPs the younger one constantly mounted, rumbled and chased (non aggressively). After awhile Ziggy started chattering teeth so I separated them. Gizmo started something tonight. I was letting him run around everywhere and have fun. He then ran up to my arm and started mounting it. I pushed him off and he started chattering teeth at me. Before all this he was laying next to me letting me pet him. No clue what brought that on and how to correct it. Suggestions? I used a towel to get him back in the cage. He has nipped or nibbled but not bitten.
I'm not an expert on boars by any means (some one else who is will come along now it's morning here) but it doesn't sound to me like they needed separating. They have to sort out their positions and mounting/ rumbling/chattering is normal. Each time they are separated and re-introduced they have to start the process from the beginning. Cannot offer any 'going forward' advice but someone else should be along shortly
I am not an expert but your younger boy has hit his teenage hormones so it may be something to do with that.
Hi and welcome!

It doesn't sounds like they are anywhere near needing to separate. Ypou may find the detailed tips in this thread here helpful. If you put them together, do so on neutral ground at first and make sure that they go into a cleaned cage. If you can, give them space to get away from each other whenever needed.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
I agree with the others, it doesn't sound like they got to the point where they needed to be separate. Sometimes pigs get into little tiffs and have to sort out their differences. Kinda like little kids, haha.
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