New Born Pup
I have two female piggies, Buffy and Willow. They are both from the same litter and are around 5 months old now. They have never been snugly or close and often do their own thing with the he occasional rumble at each other nothing serious. When I came down this morning they started rumbling at each other but it progressed in to them both lunging at each other, I threw a towel over them both but left them to see what would happen. They both wandered off but then came back to each other and started again. Buffy then ran upstairs as she knows willow doesn't go up there and is still there now. Willow is hiding under the fleece. Not sure if I should leave them to it as no blood has been drawn yet or whether I should try a separation, they have a large c &c cage 3 X 4 with loft area so I suppose I could always make an upstairs separate bit for Buffy. I always thought willow was the dominant pig as she is bigger and tends to boss Buffy about a bit.i will monitor them today and see what happens. But any advice would be greatly appreciated. It seemed to come out of nowhere.