Not sure if my boars get on or not?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Kettering, Northants
Hi, I have 2 boars which are now just over a year old. I bought them from a local breeder (sadly this wasn't my best move as it turned out they came with ringworm!) and although they aren't brothers, they were born at the same time and in the same cage.

Anyway, I'm not sure if they get on properly or if it's normal but I'm pretty sure that Silky doesn't let Patch into the sectioned off bed area (they are outside in a hutch) even though it's definitely big enough as I can get two igloos in there easy. They are constantly doing what I think is rumblestrutting at each other - low rumbing noise and chasing each others bums. It varies on which one is doing it, but I've seen both on separate occasions.

I've never seen them fight and check them for marks etc, I just wondered it's normal for them to behave like that still. I do feel sorry for Patch being left out of the bed area. :-( I do provide hideys for him and he seems fine.
Can you put another hole in to access the bed area as it gets colder he may get too cold.If not cardboard boxes full of hay will keep him warm as well.Good luck.Are they outside
Their behaviour is normal for youngsters. Please make sure that Patch has separate access to a hidey that Silky can't block. Dominant boars are often possessive; this is one of the things that can spark fights. We recommend that boars have each a separate hidey, food bowl and water bottle, ideally well spaced away from each other, so the underboar can't be locked out or prevented from feeding.

The key to any boar bond is character compatibility; brothers are as likely to get on or fall out as unrelated boars. Brothers and same age boys have the additional problem that they are going through the hormonal teenage months between ca. 4 -14 months old at the same time.

Here is our boar guide which you may find helpful:!-Simple-Dominance-Displays-or-Fighting

Please make sure that your hutch is well insulated for the winter months.
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My boys are the same, I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. We adopted the 1 year old from rescue when Junior's brother died. However little Stewart is quite domineering (he is now in charge, and don't we know it!) and is very protective of his fleecy things. There will be times where we'll hear scuffles and chasing, with a little teeth chattering. Unless it's a full on fight you shouldn't intervene and separate them. However once things have settled down it might be worth giving one of them a time out, a little cuddle time away from the stress. This seems to be helpful to my boys at least :)
Thanks for the replies. I have noticed that when I just fill the bedding area with straw (no igloos) then Silky won't let Patch in - however when igloos are in there he will let him in - albeit not all the time though, so it's very strange! There are another couple of hideys in there so Patch always has somewhere to go. Although I quite often see him just laying down in random places, he doesn't seem to want a hidey all the time.

From what I can tell, Silky is the bigger more grumpy one and Patch is like the naughty toddler chasing annoying him! Having said all that, they do also spend time together as squeak like mad if I split them up.

They do have an insulated cover plus a waterproof one, and their hutch is well placed out of winds. They also get snuggle sacks when it gets colder and heat pad thingies too. Last winter was their first and I checked them every day and they weren't cold. :-)
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