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Not pooping a lot


New Born Pup
Aug 9, 2022
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Hi, everyone!

So I have had guinea pigs for about two months now, and I have come to realize that perhaps they don't poop as much as they should. They poop maybe 30-50 poops a day?

I first got one of my guinea pigs, Benny, but he had always pooped very little since the beginning so I was never too concerned. However, last week we got another guinea pig since I read they do better in pairs and this guy used to poop a lot more. Recently, though, his poops have dropped a whole lot to about the same amount as Benny.

They always have hay and I change their water everyday. I also feed them fresh veggies daily. (although maybe I give them too little?) Another thing is that they also don't drink a lot of water. The new guy, Smores, used to drink a ton but now he drinks about the same as Benny.

Benny is always running around, popcorning, and wheeking (very lively guy!) and Smores has started to come out of shell more too.

If there is anything at all you guys can think of, please tell me! I greatly appreciate y'all help!
Poo output is 1-2 days behind so isn’t the best indicator of how much they’re eating now. How has their weight been since you’ve had them? How old are they? If they are maintaining weight then that’s fine. What you worry about is a continual downward trend at weekly weigh ins.

As for water, remember that a lot of the veg contains water. So some get enough from their veg while others generally Sri k more. For example, my boys will drain a bottle TWICE 👀 in one day while my mixed pair will drink maybe half in a 12ish hour period.

PS depending on where you got Smores from, I’d consider getting him in for a general health check with your vet.
Their weight has been pretty consistent. Smores did gain a bit though, which is good because he was very small. So according from the people we got them from, both Benny and Smores should be about 4 months. However, I really don't know because Smores is literally half the size of Benny.

Ahh that is true. I also rinse the veggies before giving it to them and they usually still have a lot of water droplets too.

And yeah, definitely. I haven't gotten around to it because I just paid for my college semester so I've been a little short on money😅
There should be weight gain in piggies of that age, they may maintain some weeks, put more on at others, but generally they are gaining weight at this age. Obviously what you don’t want is their weight going down!
Poop output is delayed so not useful indicator of hay intake.

This explains drinking - All About Drinking And Bottles

Weight - Monitoring and Management
It would be a good idea to start a vet fund for them. They are not the cheap pets they’re made out to be. You don’t want to find they need a vet and the funds are not available. Also the fact they hide illnesses well and will sometimes show when it’s fairly bad means they can’t really wait to see the vet.