Not Playing

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Katy Felix

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Cocoa doesn't and never really has liked to play at floor time. He just stays by his cage, eating hay and biting the bars to go back in. He's always been like this. I put food, hidies and toys all around but he never wants to play or explore! If I bring him across the room he runs back to his cage. He doesn't follow me and if I bring him on the lawn he just eats the grass constantly. How do I get him to play, run, get exercise?
Hi there, some don't want to play. I have a cage where I can fit a run onto it for them to come and go as they please, and sometimes they like to be in the run, sometimes in the cage. They don't tend to do much running around. My boar gets excited once in a while and will popcorn and run around briefly but basically now they are adults they just tend to potter about.
When in their outdoor run they, like yours, enjoy nibbling on the grass and will move from one place to another, but generally to nibble more grass or take a nice rest.

How old is Cocoa? They often do settle down with age. I did have one adult, Snowball, who at the age of 5 still liked to run a few lapsies, but she was unusual.
Hi there, some don't want to play. I have a cage where I can fit a run onto it for them to come and go as they please, and sometimes they like to be in the run, sometimes in the cage. They don't tend to do much running around. My boar gets excited once in a while and will popcorn and run around briefly but basically now they are adults they just tend to potter about.
When in their outdoor run they, like yours, enjoy nibbling on the grass and will move from one place to another, but generally to nibble more grass or take a nice rest.

How old is Cocoa? They often do settle down with age. I did have one adult, Snowball, who at the age of 5 still liked to run a few lapsies, but she was unusual.
Hi! Thanks for the reply! Cocoa's age is unknown, but he is thought to be 2 or 3. He seems to do what you described, briefly running around. Thanks for the help! :)
Ah that's probably why, have you got a good rescue to give it a go with a young male or female if he's neutered? It can be a long, slow process to find them a friend sometimes but well worth it to bring them out of their shell and be more playful :)
It might not be right, but if he doesn't get along with other guinea pigs have you tried a rabbit. I adopted my guinea pig (Boris) and was told that he didn't get along with other guinea pigs. I used to let him out for floor time with my male rabbit willow and they became inseparable. He's been a lot more active since he met willow and now lives in a herd with my 3 other piggies!
It might not be right, but if he doesn't get along with other guinea pigs have you tried a rabbit. I adopted my guinea pig (Boris) and was told that he didn't get along with other guinea pigs. I used to let him out for floor time with my male rabbit willow and they became inseparable. He's been a lot more active since he met willow and now lives in a herd with my 3 other piggies!
Well, I know there are cases where it's worked out beautifully between piggies and rabbits, but unfortunately there are plenty of pigs that have ended up down the vets with nasty injuries due to being kicked by rabbits. Some rabbits bully guinea pigs, but even the friendliest sweetest bunny can accidentally kick if spooked by something.
Personally I wouldn't risk it.
Best to persevere with trying to find a buddy of his own kind. It can take a while though.
Omg noooo rabbits and piggies don't mix. Please don't do that, I know so many guinea pigs who have been killed by being with rabbits (kicked, bitten, trying to mate with piggies, catching disease, malnutrition) and worse.

Please always keep animals with their own kind, think of it like us living with a gorilla who could tear us to pieces at any moment.

Any good rescue will tell you that you CANNOT put a piggy with a rabbit and won't let you rehome any pigs if that's your intention.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being rude but it actually makes me cry with all the stories and pictures I've seen, the trouble is we think rabbits are harmless but my god when they want to they've even been known to kill cats. Don't do it please!
@My Royal Herd As a responsible forum we cannot advocate keeping piggies and bunnies together.

I have seen first hand piggies injured by bunnies - including neurological injury from a nasty kick. They are 2 different species. They speak different languages, have different dietary needs, different accommodation needs, have different behaviours. Bunnies also carry the bordatella bacteria in their poo that is harmful to piggies.

Please read the RSPCA's information on this Keeping rabbits and guinea pigs together - RSPCA
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